Wednesday, 22 July 2015




chemotherapyCancer Industry is as much as it attempts to deny just that: only an industry! Doctors , pharmaceutical companies , hospitals , and other key stakeholders of the industry profit every time a patient agrees to conventional treatment , which usually involves injecting chemotherapy toxins into the body , blasting the body with ionizing radiation or cutting off parts of the body and in some barbaric cases combination of all three . It is little known that the science is covering or ignoring this, despite the fact that the medical industry claims, chemotherapy just does not work in the fight against cancer .

Dr. Hardin B. Jones, a former professor of medical physics and physiology at the University of California, Berkeley, has studied the life expectancy of cancer patients more than 25 years, when he came to the conclusion that, despite popular belief, chemotherapy does not work.

He testified that most of the cancer patients treated with chemotherapy die a horrible death. Also Dr. Jones warns that patients treated with chemotherapy die much faster and more painful than many other patients who have selected different treatment. After a great research he came to the conclusion that chemotherapy shortens the life and actually kills patients faster, and that is deliberately kept as secret because billions of dollars are in the game that cancer “industry ” turns over in their death networks.

“People who refused chemotherapy treatment live an average of 12 and a half years longer than the people who are receiving chemotherapy,” said Dr. Jones in his study, which was published in the journal of the New York Academy of Sciences. People who accepted chemotherapy die within three years of diagnosis, and many die quickly after a few weeks.”

“Patients with breast cancer who reject conventional therapy live four times longer than those who follow the system. This is something you will not hear in the mass media that will continue to spread the myth that chemotherapy is the best medicine to fight cancer! ”

A separate study published in the Journal of the American Medical Associationin 1979 discovered that many of the most common methods for diagnosing and treating breast cancer, of which nearly all are still used today, did nothing to reduce the rate of breast cancer or to increase the survival of patients with breast cancer. Two other studies, one from Israel published in 1978, and the other from Britain, which was published in The Lancet in 1980, came up with similar findings. “Overall survival of patients with primary breast cancer has not improved in the past 10 years , despite the increased use of multi- dose chemotherapy for treatment of metastasis ,” explains study Lancet , entitled “The failure of chemotherapy in the survival of patients with metastatic breast cancer. ”

“The carefully hidden truth is that many people who “died of cancer“ actually have died from treatment that included chemotherapy or radiation. Chemotherapy works by killing healthy cells in the body before they destroy the cancer that can develop very slow and in some natural ways even stop and restrain.

Most patients who have “died of cancer” actually have died of malnutrition, because cancerous cells take nutrients from the blood and destroy the immune system so the weakened body is liable to many infections against which is no longer able to defend itself.

Modern medicine has at its disposal a panacea, and the truth about cancer is skillfully hidden. This is because the price of a single treatment today costs 300,000-1,000,000$. “The majority of cancer patients die of chemotherapy. Chemotherapy does not remove breast cancer, colon cancer, or lung cancer. This fact has been documented more than ten years, but doctors still stubbornly use chemotherapy for these tumors “(Allen Levin, MD UCSF,” The Healing of Cancer).

A German epidemiologist at the “Mannheim Tumor Clinic” in Heidelberg, Dr. Ulrich Abel, did an extensive research and analysis of every major study and clinical application of chemotherapy ever undertaken in the world. His conclusions should be read by anyone who intends to do a chemotherapy treatment, written in his book “The Doctor in the House” Tim O’Shea (The Doctor Within)

The Root Cause of Cancer.....

The Root Cause Of Cancer and Why Has it Been Kept a Secret!

The Nobel Prize winner, Dr. Otto H. Warburg, had devoted his life to the study of and cause of cancer.

Dr. Warburg was one of the 20th centuries leading biologists, and he discovered that the root cause of cancer is too much acidity in the body, meaning that the pH in the body is below the normal level of 7.365, which constitutes an “acidic” state. Warburg investigated the metabolism of tumours and the respiration of cells and discovered that cancer cells maintain and thrive in a lower pH, as low as 6.0, due to lactic acid production and elevated CO2. He firmly believed that there was a direct relationship between pH and oxygen. Higher pH, which is Alkaline, means higher concentration of oxygen molecules, while lower pH, which is acidic, means lower concentrations of oxygen…the same oxygen that is needed to maintain healthy cells.

In 1931 Dr. Warburg was awarded the Nobel Prize in Medicine for this important discovery. He stated, “Cancerous tissues are acidic, whereas healthy tissues are alkaline. Water splits into H+ and OH- ions, if there is and excess of H+, it is acidic; if there is an excess of OH- ions, then it is alkaline”.

In his work The Metabolism of Tumours Warburg demonstrated that “all forms of cancer are characterized by two basic conditions: acidosis and hypoxia (lack of oxygen). Lack of oxygen and acidosis are two sides of the same coin: where you have one, you have the other.” “All normal cells have an absolute requirement for oxygen, but cancer cells can live without oxygen – a rule without exception. Deprive a cell 35% of its oxygen for 48 hours and it may become cancerous.”

Dr. Warburg has made it clear that the root cause of cancer is oxygen deficiency, which creates an acidic state in the human body. Dr. Warburg also discovered that cancer cells are anaerobic (do not breathe oxygen) and cannot survive in the presence of high levels of oxygen, as found in an alkaline state.

Tuesday, 21 July 2015

Drinking Water The Right Way...

5 Reasons to Sip Water:

If you are a person who religiously drinks 8 glasses of water, here is some news for you. There are 5 reasons why sipping water is ideal.

1. Mixing with Saliva:

According to Ayurveda, sipping is the ideal way of drinking water. Our mouth has saliva, which we produce in abundance. Our saliva is alkaline, and we have hydrochloric acid in our belly. Our saliva stabilizes the acid in our belly. When you are chugging your water, especially if you are drinking from a plastic bottle, you do not hold that water to swish in your mouth. You just swallow it, so very little saliva reaches the stomach. Hence the atmosphere remains acidic.

2. Water is heavy.

Anyone who has had a hangover or vomiting well knows how heavy water is! Chugging water makes your stomach more upset than ever and you end up throwing up all the water. Small sips work magic!

3. Wet your Tongue:

Have you noticed birds, dogs, and cats drinking water? They merely wet their tongue before they swallow. They do not count 8 glasses of water in a day.

4. Sip to lose weight:

If you are planning on losing weight, this could be your favorite trick to lose those extra pounds. Sit in a pleasant atmosphere to sip your water. Swish it around in your mouth and then swallow. Sipping, rather than chugging,eases the entire digestive process.

5. Drink lukewarm water:

When water that is at room temperature or warmer touches the lips,it gives you a feeling of satisfaction and signals the body of water intake. If you are chugging ice-cold water, it firstly shocks the senses in your mouth, and in the stomach it just gets all the bacteria to go on a snow holiday. Having cold water with a meal is toxic to your digestion.

Our body is a miracle in itself! Sip your water for optimum digestion and health.

Lemon Water Helps Your Health...

After all this, do you need any other reason to persuade you to start drinking lemon water every day?

16 Ways in Which Lemon Water Helps Your Health

1. Weight loss

Lemon water will help you maintain a healthy weight and regulate your blood sugar. The pectin contained in lemon water can also fight off those cravings, thus will make you eat less throughout the day.

2. Immune System

Lemon water also supports our lymphatic system as well, which works in conjunction with our immune system.

3. Flu and Cold

Lemon enhances the immune system and has many antiviral and antibacterial effects, since it is rich in vitamin C, which makes it a superb remedy for colds and flu.

4. Acne

The consumption of lemon water in the morning will help to metabolize the acidic temperature of your body, and thus it will prevent those annoying breakouts.

5. Constipation

Drinking lemon water can prevent and get rid of constipation, for it promotes regular bowel movements. Undoubtedly, lemon water is great for your digestive health.

6. Kidney Stones

People often forget this benefit of lemon use. Lemons contain potassium which increases citrates in your urine, and in that way, it prevents the forming of oxalate, and flushes out kidney stones.

7. Gall Bladder

You can significantly reduce the pain due to gall bladder stones by drinking lemon water while you eat.

8. Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD)

TUMS can be substituted with lemon water.

9. Colitis

Lemon water can help to balance your pH levels, and Colitis is an imbalance of the acid/alkaline levels within the body.

10. Fibromyalgia

People dealing with exhaustion from fibromyalgia can drink lemon water in combination with yoga stretches in order to feel some improvement.

11. Joint Pain and Swelling

Lemon water helps to reduce the amounts of uric acid amounts in our joints, thus reducing inflammation. It is extremely beneficial for people with arthritis, since it reduces the pain.

12. Inflammation

Acidity is the leading cause of inflammation in tissues. Lemons possess anti-inflammatory properties so they neutralize acidity.

13. Finger Nail Health

Lemon water increases the hardness of one’s nails as well as clearing up those white spots that appear on them from time to time.

14. Muscle Soreness

Drinking lemon water can reduce the pain in sore muscles substantially. So, after hard workout, do not forget to consume it.

15. Alcohol Cravings

Kick that alcohol craving by drinking lemon water at parties.

16. Food-Borne Illnesses

Drinking lemon water can help you to avoid any sort of food poisoning

Sunday, 19 July 2015

13 Problems Caused By Not Drinking Enough Water

Dehydration most commonly occurs when the body loses more water than it takes in. Many things can lead to dehydration, such as vomiting, diarrhea, use of drugs that increase urine excretion (diuretics), profuse sweating (for example, during heat waves, particularly with prolonged exertion) and decreased water intake.

However, there is a chronic form of dehydration that does not have the sudden and intense symptoms of the acute form. Today, it’s widespread across the world and affects everyone who is not drinking enough liquid.

At first, dehydration stimulates the thirst center of the brain, causing thirst, a powerful motivator for people to drink more fluids. If water intake does not keep up with water loss, dehydration can become more severe.

There are 13 problems that can arise as a result of not consuming enough water.

Fatigue, Energy Loss
Enzymatic activity slows down as a result of dehydration of the tissues.

Premature Aging
While, the body of a newborn child is composed of 80 percent liquid, this percentage drops to no more than 70 percent in an adult and continues to decline with aging.

Excess Weight and Obesity
Thirst can often be confused with hunger. As a result, we tend overeat because we crave foods rich in water.

High and Low Blood Pressure
The body’s blood volume is not enough to completely fill the entire set of arteries, veins, and capillaries.

Dehydration causes too much liquid to be drained from inside the cells, as a result the body tries to stop this loss by producing more cholesterol.

When chewed food enters the colon, it contains too much liquid to allow stools to form properly, and the wall of the colon reduces it. In chronic dehydration, the colon takes too much water to give to other parts of the body.

Digestive Disorders
The secretion of digestive juices is less, while in chronic dehydration.

Gastritis, Stomach Ulcers
The stomach secretes a layer of mucus, in order to protect its mucous membranes from being destroyed by the acidic digestive fluid it produces.

Respiratory Troubles
The mucous membranes of the respiratory region are slightly moist in order to protect the respiratory tract from substances that might be present in inhaled air.

Acid-Alkaline Imbalance
Dehydration activates an enzymatic slowdown producing acidification.

In order to not irritate the skin, our body needs enough moisture to sweat 20 to 24 ounces of water.

Cystitis, Urinary Infections
Toxins attack the urinary mucous membranes, if they’re insufficiently diluted.

Dehydration abnormally increases the concentration of toxins in the blood and cellular fluids, as a result the pains increase in proportion to the concentration of the toxins.

Saturday, 18 July 2015



The current health trend is drinking alkaline water at a pH of 9.5 as soon as you get up and out of bed. The medical value of this health trend has been scientifically confirmed to be completely beneficial to your health and fitness!

Drinking alkaline water when waking up has been connected to the prevention and reversal of certain ailments and dis-eases such as body aches, heart problems, epilepsy, headaches, arthritis, diabetes, constipation,obesity, tuberculosis, meningitis, kidney disease, vomiting, uterine disease, gastritis, ear and throat dis-ease.

The Method

As soon as you wake up, before even doing anything else, consume four 6 ounce glasses of alkaline water at a pH of 9.5 to 10.5.  Remember if for any reason you cannot consume this amount of water at one time, you should start with as much as you can and slowly increase the amount each day.  After brushing your teeth with sodium bicarbonate and performing your morning hygiene routine, wait for 45 minutes before drinking or eating anything.  After 45 minutes, eat an alkaline green breakfast and then do not drink or eat anything for the next 2 hours.

Specific diseases that can be prevented or reversed with this method!

The research shows that if using the above method, the number of days the regimen must be followed to prevent and/or reverse each disease is:

* Cancer-180 days

* Diabetes- 30 days

* Constipation- 10 days

* Gastric Problems- 10 days

* High blood Pressure- 30 days

The good thing about using this alkalizing water treatment method is it increases urination at the beginning of the program and has no negative side effects. Drinking alkaline water and staying active and healthy are the secrets for a longer and better life.

Both the Japanese and Chinese consume hot tea with their meals instead of cold water. Cold water solidifies the oily foods you have just eaten and slows down the alkalizing process of the food. Once these solidified oils reach the stomach the stomach begins to secret sodium bicarbonate to increase the pH of the oils and food ingested. This makes it possible for the liquid food to be quickly transformed in the crypts of the small intestines into stem cells that become the new blood and body cells. The long-term accumulation of these solidified oils can lead to   congestion of the small bowel, reduced production of stem cells and damage to the intestinal villi leading to a cancerous condition. The Western culture would be wise to adopt the practice of drinking alkaline water upon rising as there is nothing to lose and everything to gain.

Wednesday, 15 July 2015


Cancer Cells are Normal -- Acidosis Is Not

Every person who takes breath on this Earth has cancer. Cancer cells are a normal part of existence. A healthy body with a healthy immune system will eliminate these cancer cells at roughly the same rate that they are spawned. The human body eliminates thousands, and perhaps millions of cancer cells every day, to ensure that it is clean of these mutated cells. It is how things are supposed to work. As tissues and cells die, such as those of killed cancer cells, the decaying tissues ferment to make the body somewhat more acidic and toxic. With the very active participation of the liver and kidneys, the body's regulatory and immune systems simultaneously trigger the chemical reactions to shift the blood from being slightly acidic back to alkaline by harnessing key minerals. This is how a healthy body cures itself of cancer every day, and all of this is a testament to the wonder of God's creation.

According to the official statistics published by the German Research Centre On Cancer in Heidelberg, 98% of patients treated with chemo die within 7 years, and 95% ... within 5 years. With Germanische Neue Medizin (alternative medicine) however, 98% of those patients who did not previously receive treatments with chemo and morphine survived.
If a body is made too acidic by diet, toxins, or a suppressed immune system, then things no longer work as they are supposed to. Excessive acidity impairs the immune system which is the core of life itself. When the immune system is compromised, the body loses its ability to alkalize itself, and then the body loses its ability to absorb oxygen effectively.

With the low amounts of oxygen that are seen with extreme acidosis, cells must use fermentation for energy, and this transforms healthy cells into cancer cells. The transition into cells that live from energy that is derived from fermentation is actually part of a survival response. Whenever there is oxygen depletion, there may be an excess of cancer cells that may form into tumors. This cancer is no disease in itself, but merely a troubling symptom that the body's immune system can no longer regulate itself because external forces have overwhelmed it. The cause may be vitamin and mineral depletion, illnesses, extreme stress, chemical carcinogens, unhealthy (chemically altered) fats and oils, pharmaceuticals, or a lack of omega-3 oils. Diet usually plays a huge role in making a person acidic, and therefore oxygen depleted; especially the synthesized food products that are ironically marketed as healthy alternatives to natural fats and oils.

"After one recent survey, two pathologists reported that after carrying out 400 postmortem examinations, they had found that in more than half the patients the wrong diagnosis had been made. This presumably also means that in more than half the patients the wrong treatment had been given. And since so many modern treatments are undeniably powerful, it also presumably means that a large proportion of those patients died because of their treatment. The two pathologists reported that potentially treatable disease was missed in one in seven patients. They found that 65 out of 134 cases of pneumonia had gone unrecognized, while out of 51 patients who had suffered heart attacks, doctors had failed to diagnose the problem in 18 cases."

-- Dr. Vernon Coleman

Acidosis is a byproduct of an over-taxed immune system, for it is known that in sickness, the human body is always acidic. The orthodox establishment considers acidosis to be a symptom of whatever disease happens to be present, instead of considering that acidosis could be the root cause of multiple disease states. The utter lack of success in curing cancers may be due in part to a fundamental misunderstanding of these relationships.

Cancer is one of the many symptoms of acidosis: albeit one of the worst. Therefore, tumors are not really a symptom of cancers, but of acidosis. Cancer cells are normal in even healthy bodies, after all. To the orthodox schools, the tumors are treated like they are the disease, and this mysterious disease is believed to be caused by another mysterious force called "cancer". It does not require 12 years of intensive college study to immediately see the glaring flaws in logic. One only needs to holistically look at the big picture to see it. Given that acidosis is known to appear at the onset of most serious diseases, including cancers, and all general infections, it is apparent that acidosis is not merely a coincidental symptom of hundreds of unrelated diseases. It is a core cause of disease.

Cancers have been cured countless times with alternative therapies designed to adjust patients' pH (and thereby oxygen intake). People have been literally saved with food-grade hydrogen peroxide. Of course, there are much better methods available, and virtually all alternative therapies are more reliable, safer, quicker, and cheaper than standard treatments. Remember that orthodox cancer doctors can only boast of a 4% lifetime cure rate for their best treatments, and "survival" has been redefined to mean just 5 years of life after diagnosis -- to cook their own statistics. We would do very little bragging if 96% of our patients died from our treatments. The orthodox cancer industry is nothing short of a system of genocide

Comment from Professionals about Cancer

Medical Quotations

"But nobody today can say that one does not know what cancer and its prime cause be. On the contrary, there is no disease whose prime cause is better known, so that today ignorance is no longer an excuse that one cannot do more about prevention. That prevention of cancer will come there is no doubt, for man wishes to survive. But how long prevention will be avoided depends on how long the prophets of agnosticism will succeed in inhibiting the application of scientific knowledge in the cancer field. In the meantime, millions of men must die of cancer unnecessarily."

-- Dr. Otto Warburg, Medical Nobel Prize winner

"Everyone should know that the war on cancer is largely a fraud."

-- Dr. Linus Pauling, two time
winner of the Nobel Prize

"To the cancer establishment, a cancer patient is a profit center. The actual clinical and scientific evidence does not support the claims of the cancer industry. Conventional cancer treatments are in place as the law of the land because they pay, not heal, the best. Decades of the politics-of-cancer-as-usual have kept you from knowing this, and will continue to do so unless you wake up to their reality."

-- John Diamond, M.D.
Lee Cowden, M.D.

"Chemotherapy is an incredibly lucrative business for doctors, hospitals, and pharmaceutical companies. The medical establishment wants everyone to follow the same exact protocol. They don't want to see the chemotherapy industry go under, and that's the number one obstacle to any progress in oncology."

-- Glen Warner, M.D.

"You wouldn't believe how many FDA officials or relatives or acquaintances of FDA officials come to see me as patients in Hanover. You wouldn't believe this, or directors of the AMA, or ACA, or the presidents of orthodox cancer institutes."

-- Hans Nieper, M.D.,
alternative medicine practitioner

"When Dr. Hamer was arrested in 1997 for having given three people medical advice without a medical license, the police confiscated his patients' files and had them analyzed. Subsequently, one public prosecutor was forced to admit during the trial that, after five years, 6,000 out of 6,500 patients with mostly 'terminal cancer' were still alive. With conventional treatment the figures are generally just the reverse."

-- Dr. Caroline Markolin, Ph.D.

"As a chemist trained to interpret data, it is incomprehensible to me that physicians can ignore the clear evidence that chemotherapy does much, much more harm than good."

-- Alan Nixon, Ph.D., Past President
of the American Chemical Society

"Two to 4% of cancers respond to chemotherapy."

-- Ralph Moss, Ph.D

"The FDA protects the big drug companies, and is subsequently rewarded, and using the government's police powers, they attack those who threaten the big drug companies. The thing that bugs me is that the people think the FDA is protecting them. It isn't. What the FDA is doing, and what the public thinks it is doing are as different as night and day."

-- Dr. Herbert Ley, former
Commissioner of the F.D.A.

"In point of fact, fluoride causes more human cancer deaths, and causes it faster, than any other chemical."

-- Dean Burke, Former Chief Chemist Emeritus,
U.S. National Cancer Institute

"Most cancer patients in this country die of chemotherapy. Chemotherapy does not eliminate breast, colon or lung cancers. This fact has been documented for over a decade. Yet doctors still use chemotherapy for these tumors. Women with breast cancer are likely to die faster with chemo than without it."

-- Alan Levin, M.D.

"When a patient is found to have a tumor, the only thing the doctor discusses with that patient is what he intends to do about the tumor. If a patient with a tumor is receiving radiation or chemotherapy, the only question that is asked is, 'How is the tumor doing'? No one ever asks how the patient is doing. In my medical training, I remember well seeing patients who were getting radiation and/or chemotherapy. The tumor would get smaller and smaller, but the patient would be getting sicker and sicker. At autopsy we would hear, 'Isn't that marvelous! The tumor is gone!' Yes, it was, but so was the patient. How many millions of times are we going to have to repeat these scenarios before we realize that we are treating the wrong thing?"

-- Dr. Philip Binze


How Antacids Destroy Health

"There are two main consequences of low stomach acid:

1. You become protein malnourished. When your stomach acid is low, you are not able to digest protein. Improper digestion of protein creates toxins in your intestines that can set the stage for illness and disease. Improper digestion of protein also creates acidic blood, since protein is by nature acidic.

2. You become mineral deficient. As your blood becomes more acidic, it will look for minerals from anywhere in your body, in order to get your blood to its more ideal alkaline state. Acidic blood robs your body of minerals, even taking minerals from your bones (which is important to know if you want to prevent osteoporosis).

"Low stomach acid eventually creates a vicious cycle: low stomach acid = low minerals = acidic blood. This cycle continues because acidic blood further creates low minerals and low stomach acid. Once this vicious cycle has started, there is a cascade of consequences:

You could eat plenty of protein and still be protein malnourished. This raises cortisol levels [stress hormones], thereby raising your blood glucose (blood sugar levels). Elevated cortisol adversely affects your behavior and temperament. Eventually, your adrenals become depleted (adrenal fatigue) and DHEA, the youth hormone, is suppressed, leading to premature aging. Low DHEA and high cortisol affect your brain and behavior, but that's not all. The vicious cycle of low stomach acid affects your inner ecosystem too. Low stomach acid can lead to more bad guys (pathogenic bacteria, candida and viruses) than good guys (healthy microflora), thus lowering your immunity.

"Here are some of the common symptoms and disorders caused by low stomach acid: bloating, belching, and flatulence immediately after meals, heartburn (often thought to be caused by too much stomach acid), indigestion, diarrhea, or constipation, undigested food in stools, acne, rectal itching, chronic candida, hair loss in women, multiple food allergies, iron deficiency, weak, peeling, or cracked fingernails, chronic fatigue, adrenal fatigue, dry skin, various 'autoimmune'..diseases."

-- Donna Gates (

Tuesday, 14 July 2015

Comment Doctors, Scientists and Nutritionists About Kangen Water

Kangen Water®:
Doctors, Scientists and Nutritionists

See what some respected leaders in health care are saying about the qualities of Kangen Water. There are foot notes at the bottom with each person’s credentials.

1⃣Dr. Hiromi Shinya

“I have examined more than 300,000 people’s stomachs and intestines for 35 years and realize that our health depends largely on our dietary life. And from my experiences I would like to teach you healthy, dietary habits to help you enjoy your life!”

“It is widely recognized in the medical profession that a healthy and clean colon is one of the most important precursors to good health and that the great majority of body ailments and diseases originate in an acidic and dirty colon. Water is essential for your health. Drinking “good water;” especially hard water which has much calcium and magnesium keeps your body at an optimal alkaline PH.”

“Kangen Water is alkaline rich water (ph 8-9), and is considered the very best drinking water because of its incomparable powers of hydration, detoxification, and anti-oxidation.”

~Dr. Hiromi Shinya, Leading Endocrinologist 

2⃣Dr. Horst Filtzer

“When I first drank Kangen Water I experienced something I had never have before, I liked it, I liked it very much. As I investigated the product, as I investigated the concept of ionized water, as I investigated the concept of alkalization of the body cells, I became more and more convinced that this is a product that is of absolute value to all mankind. That it is a product that should be used in all households if at all possible, because it clearly is superior to any form of water than I ever encountered.”

“Personally, I can testify that there is no question that my own life has been markedly enriched by the ingestion of Kangen Water. .. I endorse Kangen Water as a physician, as a surgeon, as a human being, 100%. I feel that it is of great benefit to all mankind. I can only recommend it in the highest way.”

~Dr. Horst Filtzer, Vascular Surgeon 

3⃣Dr. Corinne Allen

“Brain inflammation can occur from many causes including: head injuries, premature birth, lack of oxygen and various infections. The resulting inflammation can provide dysfunction in the body’s ability to detoxify harmful substances. They can also exhibit mitochondria that have low energy output and high free-radical generation. Often those with brain challenges like Autism and Aspergers, drink almost no water each day, only accentuating the problems in brain functioning. In Autistics and others where brain inflammation is high, toxins can more easily cross the blood brain flooding the brain with free radicals. Kangen Water has been providing my clients with a strong source of antioxidants and improved hydration. In our brain programs we observed that our therapeutic expectations have been significantly exceeded by adding Kangen Water to the treatment plan.”

~Dr. Corinne Allen, Nutritionist 

4⃣Dr. Dave Carpenter

“This [alkalizing] program contains a whole new way of looking at diet and nutrition. When followed, it leads to a healthy, lean, trim body and an enhanced level of wellness, energy and mental clarity most people have not experienced previously.”

“Based on years of research and observation, we have concluded that over acidification of the body is the underlying cause of all disease. Because many people consume a diet primarily comprised of acid forming foods, (i.e. sugars, meat, dairy, yeast breads, coffee, alcohol, starches, etc.) rather than whole plant foods, they are frequently sick and tired.”

“In my experience, Kangen Water supercharges your nutritional program better than anything. Water is the key and this [Enagic® Kangen Water] is the best water I know of. Anyone who gives it an honest try will experience it in their own health, without question!”

~Dr. Dave Carpenter, Naturopathic Physician 

5⃣Dr. Fereydoon Batmanghelidj

“I am a researcher. I have researched dehydration for the past 20 years. When I discovered that the solution to most of the disease conditions of our society is not a moneymaker, I decided to take my information to the public. My research revealed that unintentional dehydration produces stress, chronic pains and many degenerative diseases. Dry mouth is not the only sign of dehydration and waiting to get thirsty is wrong. Medicine has based its understanding that it is solid matter in the body that regulates all functions of the body. I have explained scientifically at the molecular level that it is water that regulates all functions of the body including functions of solid matter. 75% of our bodies are composed of water. The brain is 85% water. It is water that energizes and activates the solid matter. If you don’t take enough water, some functions of the body will suffer. Dehydration produces system disturbances. When I use the word water cure, I am referring to curing dehydration with water.”

~Dr Fereydoon Batmanghelidj, Medical Doctor, Researcher (6)

6⃣Dr. Otto Warburg

Dr. Otto Warburg in his lab at the Max Planck Institute for Cell Physiology in Berlin-Dahlem. 1960s.

“All normal cells have an absolute requirement for oxygen, but cancer cells can live without oxygen – a rule without exception.”

“Cancerous tissues are acidic, whereas healthy tissues are alkaline.”

~Dr. Otto Warburg, Chemist, Nobel Prize Winner 

7⃣Dr. William Howard Hay

“All disease is caused by auto-toxification (self-poisoning) due to acid accumulation in the body.”

“Now we depart from health in just the proportion to which we have allowed our alkalies to be dissipated by introduction of acid forming food in too great amount. It may seem strange to say that all disease is the same thing, no matter what its myriad modes of expression, but it is verily so.”

“It was said earlier that all we can do for disease is to stop creating this background of acid end-products of digestion and metabolism, and this is true, for if disease comes always and only from this acid collection, then it must be evident to anyone that the cure lies in the discontinuance of this accumulation.

“Pneumonia, erysipelas, typhoid fever, influenza, acute arthritis, colitis, hay fever, all subside when the body is fairly detoxicated and the diet so corrected as to stop this excessive formation of the acid end-products, simply because each was expressing the end-point of tolerance of toxins, and each was the means by which the body sought to unload this unwanted mass.”

“If the blood develops a more acidic condition, then these excess acidic wastes have to be deposited somewhere in the body. If this unhealthy process continues year after year, these areas steadily increase in acidity and their cells begin to die. Other cells in the affected area may survive by becoming abnormal, these are called malignant. Malignant cells cannot respond to brain commands. They undergo a cellular division that is out of control. This is the beginning of cancer.”

~Dr. William Howard Hay, Surgeon, Developer of Hay Diet 

8⃣Dr. Keiichi Morishita

“Modern medicine treats these malignant cells as if they were bacteria and viruses, it uses chemotherapy, radiation and surgery to treat cancer. Yet none of these treatments will help very much if the environment of the body continues to remain acidic.”

“Drinking water that has a high alkaline pH, because of its de-acidifying effect, will help in preventing cancer. In Asia, alkaline water is regularly served to patients, and is considered a regular part of treatment.”

~Dr Keiichi Morishita, Director of the Ochanomizu Clinic in Japan and the Head of the International Natural Medicine Association 

9⃣Dr. Robert C. Atkins

“Just about every condition I can think of, from arthritis to diabetes to cancer, is associated with acidity. It is no coincidence that many of our modern habits such as alcohol consumption, smoking, eating sugar, and stress, all tend to increase acidity. The only parts of our body that are supposed to be acidic are the contents of the stomach, the skin, and perspiration. Virtually everything else is supposed to be at least slightly alkaline.”

~Dr. Robert C. Atkins, Physician, Cardiologist 

1⃣0⃣Dr. Stefan Kuprowsky

“Acid wastes build up in the body in the form of cholesterol, gallstones, kidney stones, arterial plaque, urates, phosphates and sulfates. These acidic waste products are the direct cause of premature aging and the onset of chronic disease.”

“I believe that the best water is water that is alkaline (reduced) and purified using a small device known as a water ionizer.”

~Dr. Stefan Kuprowsky, Naturopathic Doctor 

1⃣1⃣Dr. Theodore A. Baroody

“Any stressor that the mind or body interprets and internalizes as too much to deal with, leaves an acid residue. Even a mild stressor can cause a partial or total acid-forming reaction. The countless names attached to illness do not really mater. What does matter is that they all come from the same root cause: too much tissue acid waste in the body.”

“It is my opinion that ionized water will change the way in which all health practitioners and the public approach their health in the coming years. I have administered over 5000 gallons of this water for about every health situation imaginable. I feel that restructured alkaline water can benefit everyone.”

~Dr. Theodore A. Baroody, DC, ND, Ph.D., Dipl. Acu., Nutritional Consultant 

1⃣2⃣Dr. Susan Lark

“Drinking four to six glasses of alkaline water a day will help to neutralize over acidity and over time will help to restore your buffering ability. Alkaline water should be used when conditions of over acidity develop, such as cold, flu or bronchitis. Like vitamins C, E and Beta Carotene, alkaline water acts as an antioxidant because of its excess supply of free electrons. This can help the body against the development of heart disease, strokes, immune dysfunctions, and other common ailments.”

“The benefits of the alkaline water created through electrolysis far exceed just its ability to gently raise the pH of the cells and tissues of the body and to neutralize acids. Because the alkaline water has gained a significant number of free electrons through the electrolysis process, it is able to donate these electrons to active oxygen free radicals in the body, thereby becoming a super antioxidant. By donating its excess free electrons, alkaline water is able to block the oxidation of normal tissue by free oxygen radicals.”

~Dr. Susan Lark, Clinical Nutritionist 

1⃣3⃣Dr. Lester Packer

“Scientists now believe that free radicals are factors in nearly every known disease.”

“Consuming the right type of water is vital to detoxifying the body’s acidic waste products and is one of the most powerful health treatments available.” 

“We recommended that you drink 8-10 glasses per day of this alkaline water. It is one of the simplest and most powerful things that you can do to combat a wide range of disease processes. It is interesting to note that in Japan, professional sports teams drink alkaline water to improve their performance”

“It is well known that many chronic diseases result in excess acidity of the body (metabolic acidosis). We also know that the body tends to become more acidic due to modern dietary habits and lifestyles and the aging process itself. By drinking high negative ORP alkaline water, you combat metabolic acidosis and improve absorption of nutrients.”

~Dr. Lester Packer, Senior scientist at Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, world’s foremost antioxidant research scientist 

1⃣4⃣Dr. Ray Kurzweil

“There are more benefits to “alkaline water” than simply the alkalinity or pH. The most important feature of alkaline water produced by a water alkalizer is its oxidation reduction potential (ORP). Water with a high negative ORP is of particular value in its ability to neutralize oxygen free radicals. ORP can also be directly tested using an ORP sensor and meter. We have conducted these experiments as well. We found that water coming directly from the tap had an ORP of +290mV, while the water coming out of the water alkalinizer had a negative ORP. The more negative the ORP of a substance (that is, the higher its negative ORP), the more likely it is to engage in chemical reactions that donate electrons. These electrons are immediately available to engage in reactions that neutralize positively charged free radicals. This is the key benefit of water produced by a water alkalinizer that is not available by simply drinking water that has had some bicarb or other compounds dissolved in it to make it alkaline.”

“Free radicals are among the most damaging molecules in the body and are highly unstable molecules that are oxidizing agents and are electron deficient. They are a principal cause of damage and disease in the body. Oxygen free radicals contribute significantly to a broad variety of harmful conditions in the body ranging from life-threatening conditions such as heart disease, stroke and cancer, to less severe conditions such as sunburns, arthritis, cataracts, and many others. Free radicals MUST get electrons from somewhere and will steal them from whatever molecules are around, including normal, healthy tissues.”

“Damage to tissues results when free radicals strip these electrons from healthy cells. If the damage goes on unchecked, this will lead to disease. For example, the oxidation of LDL cholesterol particles in arterial walls by free radicals triggers an immune system response that results in atherosclerosis, the principal cause of heart disease. The negative ions in alkaline water from an electrolysis machine are a rich source of electrons that can be donated to these free radicals in the body, neutralizing them and stopping them from damaging healthy tissues. Specifically, these ions have the potential to engage in the chemical reactions necessary to neutralize oxygen free radicals.”

~Dr. Ray Kurzweil, Award-winning Scientist, Inventor

1⃣5⃣Dr. Mu Shik Jhon

“Hexagonal water, comprised of small molecular units or ring-shaped clusters, move easily within the cellular matrix of the body, helping with nutrient absorption and waster removal. It aids metabolic processes, supports the immune system, contributes to lasting vitality and acts as a carrier of dissolved oxygen. It can provide alkaline minerals to the body and it helps in the more efficient removal of acidic wastes. Drinking hexagonal water takes us in the direction of health. It supports long life and freedom from disease. Biological organisms prefer hexagonal water.”

“Ionized water has a hexagonal shape and carries an abundance of hydroxyl ions (OH-). It provides extra electrons that neutralize destructive free radicals circulating throughout the body. Hexagonal ionized water carries a high negative ORP (Oxidation Reduction Potential) when it is first produced, making it a potent anti-oxidant.”

“When taken internally, the reduced ionized water with it redox potential, or ORP of -250 to -350 readily donates its electrons to oddball oxygen radicals and blocks the interaction of the active oxygen with normal molecules.”

“Water has the ability to attract and accumulate bio-energy. It also stores an energy memory of harmful or helpful vibrations to which it was exposed in the past. Chlorinated tap water is polluted with non-biological chemicals and negative energy imprints. It is also devoid of bio-energy and so may be regarded as being badly polluted as well as ‘dead’. Alkaline living water is regarded by a growing number of health care professionals as the best water to drink and is listed as a medical device in Japan for the treatment of degenerative diseases.”

“My hypothesis was born from the clinical observation study in our clinic. Since May ’85 we have confirmed thousands of clinical improvements, obtained solely by exchanging drinking (as well as cooking water) from tap water to reduced water.”

~Dr. Mu Shik Jhon, Chemist, Founding president of the Association of Academies of Sciences in Asia 

1⃣6⃣Dr. Hidemitsu Hayashi

“Devices to produce reduced water were introduced into our clinic in May 1985. Based on the clinical experiences obtained in the past 15 years, it can be said that introduction of naturally reduced water (using H-01 Active Hydrogen Generator) or electrolyzed-reduced water for drinking and cooking purpose for in-patients should be the very prerequisite in our daily medical practices. It is because any dietary recipe cannot be a scientific one if property of water taken by the patients is not taken into consideration.”

“The Ministry of Health and Welfare in Japan announced in 1965 that the intake of reduced water is effective for restoration of intestinal flora metabolism.”

HAYASHI, Hidemitsu, M.D., Water Institute, & KAWAMURA, Munenori, M.D., Kyowa Medical Clinic, (1985-2000)

Improvement of blood glucose and HbAIC levels in diabetes mellitus.Improvement of peripheral circulation in diabetic gangrene.Improvement of uric acid levels in gout.Improvement of liver function in hepatic disease, cirrhosis of liver, hepatitis.Improvement of gastroduodenal ulcers and prevention of recurrences.Improvement of cholesterol level; hypertension, angina, myocardial infarction.Improvement of hypersensitive disorders; atopic dermatitis, asthma, urticaria.Improvement of autoimmune disorders; rheumatism, collagen disease, SLE.Improvement of so-called specific diseases; Behcet€™ syndrome, Crohn disease, ulcerative colitis, Kawasaki’s disease.Improvement of malignant tumors of liver; hepatoma, metastatic tumors.Improvement of general malaise, chronic constipation & diarrhea as well as persistent diarrhea occurred after gastric resection.Improvement of dehydration in infants with vomiting and diarrhea caused by viral infection.Improvement of hyperbilirubinemia in newborns.Experiences of pregnant women who took reduced water during their pregnancy; almost no emesis, smooth delivery, slight jaundice, enough lactation, smooth and satisfactory growth of newborns.

~Dr Hidemitsu Hayashi, Cardiovascular Surgeon, Director of the Water Institute of Japan 

1⃣7⃣Dr. Yoshiaki Matsuo PhD

“in my opinion, redox potential is more important than pH. For example, the average pH of blood is 7.4 and acidosis or alkalosis are defined according to deviation within the range of 7.4 + -0.05. But nothing has been discussed about ORP, or oxidation-reduction potential.”

“It has long been established that reactive oxygen species (ROS) [free radicals that contain the oxygen atom] cause many types of damage to biomolecules and cellular structures, that, in turn result in the development of a variety of pathologic states such as diabetes, cancer and aging. Reduced water is defined as anti-oxidative water produced by reduction of water. Electrolyzed reduced water (ERW) has been demonstrated to be hydrogen-rich water and can scavenge ROS in vitro (Shirahata et al., 1997).”

~Dr. Yoshiaki Matsuo PhD., Vice President of the Water Institute of Japan 

1⃣8⃣Dr. Sanetaka Shirahata

“Several natural waters such as Hita Tenryosui water drawn from deep underground in Hita city in Japan, Nordenau water in Germany and Tlacote water in Mexico are known to alleviate various diseases. We have developed a sensitive method by which we can detect active hydrogen existing in reduced water, and have demonstrated that not only ERW [Electrolyzed Reduced Water] but also natural reduced waters described above contain active hydrogen and scavenge ROS [Reactive Oxygen Species’ free radicals that contain the oxygen atom] in cultured cells.”

“Reduced water suppressed the growth of cancer cells transplanted into mice, demonstrating their anti-cancer effects in vivo. Reduced water will be applicable to not only medicine but also food industries, agriculture, and manufacturing industries.”

~Dr. Sanetaka Shirahata, Professor of Cellular Regulation Technology at the Department of Genetic Resources Technology 

1⃣9⃣Dr. Arthur M. Echano

“If the world has accepted antioxidants to slow down the aging process, it should readily agree to the uses of ionized alkaline water as an anti-aging agent. Their roles are closely linked and intertwined such that a lasting anti-aging program is incomplete without addressing both free radicals and organic acid wastes.”

~Dr Arthur M. Echano, Medical Doctor, Naturopath, Nutritional Medicine Specialist

2⃣0⃣Dr. Robert Young

“The pH level (the acid-alkaline measurement) of our internal fluids affects every cell in our bodies. Extended acid imbalances of any kind are not well tolerated by the body. Indeed, the entire metabolic process depends on a balanced internal alkaline environment. A chronically over-acidic pH corrodes body tissue, slowly eating into the 60,000 miles of veins and arteries like acid eating into marble. If left unchecked, it will interrupt all cellular activities and functions, from the beating of your heart to the neural firing of your brain. In summary, over-acidification interferes with life itself leading to all sickness and disease!”

“Researchers believe that disease is caused by excess acidity in our body that weakens all body systems. Caused by our high stress lifestyles, what we eat and pollutants, it affects virtually everyone. This forces the body to rob minerals calcium and magnesium from vital organs and bones. Our reserves are depleted, leaving the body vulnerable to bone density loss, heartburn, indigestion, blood sugar issues, weight gain – 68 conditions in all. When healthy, your body has sufficient alkaline reserves to balance it self and naturally resists disease. The easiest way to help your body to be more alkaline is to drink alkaline water”

~Dr. Robert O. Young, Cellular Nutritionist 

2⃣1⃣Dr. Ed Leshin

“As a chiropractor, I knew about the benefits of alkalizing for years. However, it wasn’t until my own son became ill and wouldn’t take anything else that we looked into getting a water ionizer. Since using this water, his brain tumor has decreased, he has more energy and his emotional status is so much better. It was hard to ignore these results and I am now a strong proponent of everyone using ionized, alkaline water.”

~Dr. Ed Leshin, Chiropractor, Acupuncturist 

2⃣2⃣Dr. Sherry Rodgers

“Alkaline water rids the body of acid waste. After carefully evaluating the results of my advice to hundreds of individuals, I’m convinced that toxicity in the form of acidic waste is the primary cause of degenerative disease.”

~Dr. Sherry Rogers, M.D., Immunologist, Environmental Medicine 

2⃣3⃣Dr. Peggy Parker

“Months of testing and research have led me to the discovery that drinking Kangen Water is the most effective tool I have found to quickly, easily, and economically reduce cellular oxidation and achieve a more alkaline pH in the body.”

As a Biological Medicine Physician, I have been measuring the levels of oxidation in bodily fluids for about a decade using a very sophisticated piece of lab equipment called the QF(Quanti[truncated by WhatsApp]

Monday, 13 July 2015

Stop Fat in Your Blood

A Cup of This Drink Every Morning And You’ll Stop Fat Accumulation In Your Blood And Gaining Weight

If you are worried about the accumulated fat in your blood and cholesterol levels, this article is the real deal for you. Fat tends to accumulate in blood mostly due to unhealthy lifestyle, but sometimes it may simply be a matter of genetics. Normal cholesterol levels range between 4.60 and 6.20 mmol/L.

We give you an amazing syrup recipe that will help you decrease cholesterol levels.



2.2 lbs / 1kg lemons
5-6 parsley sprigs
100 oz /3 liters water
2 tsp baking soda

Wash your lemons well and soak them in hot water. Stir in the baking soda.
Leave them soaked in for an hour.
Finely chop the parsley.
Slice your lemons. Do not remove the rind.
Cook on a low heat for 2-3 hours, then strain.
These ingredients should be enough to give you 1.5l of syrup.
Drink your syrup every morning before you eat or drink anything, and a small shot glass is a perfect measuring tool.
You should have just enough of this syrup for 15 days.

Flatten Your Stomach in easy way....

These 5 simple tips can help flatten your stomach starting today:-

Decrease Salt

Salt is a beneficial and necessary component of healthy living.  However, if you are eating an excess of salt, you will retain water and that can lead to an imbalance of salt and water in the body and that is synonymous with your ‘not-so-favorite’ five letter word:  Bloat.  If you are eating processed foods such as frozen dinners, fast foods, snacks etc, you are most likely taking in excess sodium.  Salting all of your food is another indication you are taking in too much sodium.  Stored carbohydrates hold three times the water that protein does, so if you are eating an excess of pasta, cereals etc,, next time reduce the amount of carbs and add more protein in its place.

Drink Water

Drinking water releases stored cellular fluid and this means a flatter tummy!  When we are mildly dehydrated, the body is crying out for water.  Your body neeeeds that water for every single process in the human it holds onto it because it does not know when it will have enough again.  Drinking water will quickly restore your flat belly look if you haven’t been drinking your H20.  Drink a minimum of half your body weight in ounces.  If you weight 120 lbs, drink a minimum of 60 ounces daily.

Stop Chewing Gum

Chewing gum encourages you to swallow air and then guess what?  You guessed it.  You are filling your tummy up with air just as if you were blowing up a balloon.  And if the gum you are chewing is sugar-free gum?  it’s a double whammy.  See the below post on Fake Sugar.

Stop the Fizz

When it comes to belly bloat, carbonation is king.  These innocent little bubbles decide to take up residence in your intestinal tract and then become trapped and gas builds up.  If belly bloat is an issue..your best (and super healthy  choice)move is to eliminate all sodas – diet too.

Skip Fake Sugar

Artificially sweetened products from chewing gum, diet sodas, and candies to protein bars, contain sugar substitutes, sugar alcohols or even natural products that can create excess gas (and even severe gastrointestinal distress).  One healthy exception (that, in excess,  has a slight potential of creating digestive issues):  the sugar alcohol Xylitol (pronounced: Zi-Li-Tol).  Xylitol is healthy for you as it has a minimal effect on blood sugar and none on insulin level <- One key to optimal health for everyone.

These simple tips will help you deflate that bloated belly starting today.