Sunday, 30 August 2015


10-Day Detox Diet

Here are the top 10 big ideas for detoxing from sugar and refined carbs that will work for you in just 10 days.

1. Decide To Detox

In his book, Mark Hyman has a set of questions to help you know whether you need to detox or not. If you answer yes to any of the questions, a sugar detox will help you feel better and lose weight painlessly.

2. Cold Turkey

There is one way to stop physiological addictions: just stop. An alcoholic cannot have “just one drink” – the trick is to go cold turkey. Stop eating all forms of sugar, all flour products, and all artificial sweeteners – as they slow metabolism, spike cravings, and store fat. Ideally, for 10 days you will avoid any foods that come in a box, package, or can that have a label. Instead stik to real, whole, fresh foods.

3. Don’t Drink Your Calories

“Any form of liquid sugar calories is worse than solid food with sugar or flour,” says Dr. Hyman. It’s like mainlining sugar straight to your liver. Juices, sodas, sports drinks, and sweetened teas and coffees are the biggest source of sugar calories in most people’s diets.

One can of soda a day increases a kid’s chance of being obese by 60 percent and a woman’s chance of type 2 diabetes by 80 percent.

4. Protein Power

Protein helps balance blood sugar and insulin levels by being a “carb-free” source of energy. Start the day with whole farm eggs or a protein shake. Use nuts, seeds, eggs, fish, chicken, or grass-fed meat for protein at every meal. Protein helps you stay fuller longer because it breaks down more slowly while delivering the energy we need. 4-6 ounces – about the size of your palm – is the average serving size.

5. Unlimited (Good) Carbs

Did you know that a lot of veggies are carbs? You can eat all of them you want – just not the starchy ones like potatoes, sweet potatoes, winter squash or beets. But feel free to eat as many greens, broccoli, cauliflower, kale, asparagus, peppers, green beans, mushrooms, zucchini, tomatoes, and artichokes you like for 10 days.

6. Fight Sugar With Fat

Fat doesn’t make you fat, it makes you full. Plus it balances blood sugar and is a necessary part of your cellular structure. Good fats at every meal, like nuts and seeds, extra virgin olive oil, coconut butter, avocados, and fish are a good way to keep your mind off of sugar.

7. Prepare For Emergencies

A maze of fast food joints and vending machines will have anyone’s head spinning, especially when blood sugar levels are dropping. Dr. Hyman weighs in:

“You need an Emergency Life Pak. I have one with me all the time, filled with protein, good fats, and good snacks so I never have to make a bad choice. Here’s what’s in mine: Packets of Artisana nut butters and coconut butter, almonds, walnuts, pumpkin seeds, salmon jerky or turkey jerky, a can of wild salmon or sardines and unsweetened wild blueberries.”

8. Distress or De-Stress?

Cortisol, the stress hormone, makes you hungry, causes belly fat storage, and can lead to type 2 diabetes. Some studies show that taking deep breaths activates the vagus nerve which shifts metabolism from fat storage to fat burning, and quickly moves you out of your stress state. Just follow Dr. Hyman’s Five Deep Breaths exercise:

“Simply take five slow deep breaths – in to the count of five, out to the count of five. Five times. That’s it. Do this before every meal. Watch what happens!”

9. Douse Inflammation

Inflammation triggers blood sugar imbalances, insulin resistance, and type 2 diabetes. Gluten and dairy are two hidden food sensitivities that most people have. Unfortunately most people crave these allergens. They may be tough to quit, even for just 10 days, but give it a shot and you’ll see you have renewed energy and relief from cravings.

10. Sound Sleep

In studies, college students were deprived of just 2 of the recommended 8-hours of sleep. This led to a rise in hunger hormones, a decrease in appetite-suppressing hormones and huge cravings for refined sugar and carbs. When you don’t sleep you look for energy, and reach for high-sugar products that give you a boost, and a crash. Sleep is the best way to ensure cravings are kept at bay.

Friday, 28 August 2015

What happens when alkaline water reaches your stomach...

What happens when alkaline water reaches your stomach?

Our stomach is very acidic and the PH level is around 4. When we eat food, we send a lot of bacterias and viruses along with the food to our stomach. When we drink alkaline water, the PH level inside the stomach goes up and that commands the stomach wall to secrete more hydrochloric acid into the stomach to bring the ph level back to 4.  So the stomach becomes acidic again.

To understand how the hydrochloric acid works in our stomach, the cells in our stomach wall produces hydrochloric acid as an instantly-as-needed basis. Carbon dioxide, water and sodium chloride or potassium chloride are the ingredients that make hydrochloric acid. So the by-product of making this acid is sodium bicarbonate which goes into our blood stream and they act as alkaline buffers that neutralizes excess acids in the blood. They dissolve solid acid waste into liquid form. Once these acidic wastes are neutralized, extra carbon dioxide is released which is discharged through the lungs.

As we age, these alkaline buffers get very low and our body accumulates more acidic wastes. Our body cells are slightly alkaline and in order for them to produce acid, they need to produce alkaline. When our stomach pH value is above 4, it knows what to do to bring it lower but when the pH level goes below 4, the stomach doesn’t know what to do. That is when we start taking over the counter medications , which are alkaline to relieve the acidic stomach and gas pain.

At this point, there are no alkaline buffer being added to our blood stream and hydrochloric acid is not being produced.  So what we need to do is to supply alkaline to our body like drinking alkaline water.

Why Kangen Water? Why Kangen water is superior?

Kangen water is different than alkaline, ionized water.

The word “Kangen” in Japanese means “return to origin” and is simply a registered marketing term. The Enagic water ionizer contains a filter and ionizing chamber just like all other alkaline water ionizers. Also, Enagic ionizers create the same kind of alkaline and acidic water as produced by all other water ionizers. The ionizing chamber in the Enagic uses the same technology as do all other water ionizers to split water into acid and alkaline streams. Kangen water is simply another –though trademarked — name for ionized, alkaline water.
In trying to make a difference where there is none, an Enagic representative’s web site says, “technically, in order to be classified as Kangen Water, it needs to show a negative ORP in the range of -200mV to -450mV, while typical Ionized Alkaline Water shows anywhere between +100mV and -100mV, depending on the quality of the machine”. Even cheap copy ionizers from China can get at least a -250mV ORP reading and Jupiter ionizers can get over -800mV.

Kangen water is superior to alkaline, ionized water

No matter what name it’s given, there are two ways the quality of alkaline water is measured – by how acid or alkaline the water becomes (pH) and by how much ionization occurs (ORP).

Independent tests carried out by ex-Enagic representatives (concerned about the high prices being charged), showed that the Jupiter Science Melody Ionizer produced as high an ORP (negative ionization) as did the tested Enagic model and — when salt was added to the calcium port — produced a stronger acidic water than that achieved by the Enagic.

Here is the O.R.P. measurement (oxidation reduction potential) for a Melody Ionizer, in an Oct.2007 test in Reno, NV. (more than twice as powerful an antioxidant as fresh orange juice!)

Unfortunately when there are very high prices, there is also a need to justify the difference, as in the following from an Enagic distributor: “This water technology is practically non-existent outside Japan. … Even worse, there are some people who are trying to sell cheaper Ionized Alkaline Water. machines as if they were at the same or a similar level as with the Kangen Water machines, only cheaper.”

Enagic units and Kangen water are recongnized and approved by the Japanese Health Department, unlike other ionizers.

In the 1980s the Japanese Health Department recognized that ionized alkaline water (called Kangen water by the Enagic Co.) from water ionizers had proven health benefits and described water ionizers as health devices. Nowhere did any Government say specifically that Enagic units were the ones approved.

Well known authorities on ionized water endorse or recommend Enagic Ionizers.

The best known authorities in the USA such as Dr. Robert Young (author of The pH Miracle), Dr.Theodore Baroody (author of Alkalize or Die), and Sang Whang (author of Reverse Aging) all recommend and sell Jupiter Science water ionizers because they want to give their patients high quality alkaline water ionizers at an honest price. Other well known alkaline authorities that endorse and use Jupiter Science water ionizers include Daniel Reed (author of The Tao of Detox), Harold Tietze (author of Youthing) and Ian Hamilton (author of The Untold Truth…).

Kangen or Enagic ionizers cost more because they are better.

The Jupiter Melody is priced at around $1400 and offers some important user-friendly features that are missing with the Enagic. Certain alkaline water ionizers are better and stronger than others and the Enagic range are decent models, but the parent company and up to eight representatives need to make money from every single sale, and the price reflects this.

Enagic has been marketing “Kangen Water” for 30 years.
What became the Enagic brand was initially manufactured by Toyo Metal a.k.a Toyo Aitex who recently sold marketing rights to Enagic (also called the Thohan Kiden organization). Toyo Metal water ionizers were called the Apex, Pure Porte 11 or Protec units and these early models were manufactured by and sold for less much less than $1000 in the USA. A company called HydroAnalytics previously imported, distributed and did hands-on repairs on this unit from Japan for the US, Western Hemisphere and European market before it was withdrawn from the US market, presumably due to lack of market penetration. In Japan the Thohan Kiden organization manufactures units that are not sold through the Enagic MLM, for similar prices to other alkaline water ionizer in the US market.

Some of the areas that people have noticed improvements in their health include arthritis, chronic fatigue, leg cramps, migraines,diabetes. Also heartburn, poor circulation, gout, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, hypertension, asthma, skin rashes dermatitis, psoriasis,obesity, weight issues, diarrhea, indigestion, heart disease, allergies, constipation, stomach ulcers, hepatitis, cancer, and many more areas have had considerable results.

Saturday, 8 August 2015


Turmeric Tea: Try These 5 Recipes To Reduce Pain & Inflammation

Before we get to the turmeric tea recipes, let’s find out a bit more about turmeric itself. (If you want to skip this part, the turmeric tea recipes are further down the page.)
What is Turmeric?
For centuries, turmeric has been widely used as a spice, medicine, food, and coloring agent across large parts of Asia. In India, it has been considered holy and auspicious for hundreds of thousands of years, not only due to its eye-catching color and unique flavor, but also because of the extensive range of health benefits that are associated with it. In fact, it is often referred to as the ‘Queen of Spices’!
Recent research has seen it promoted in the eyes of western science and it has been deemed as highly effective for treating osteoarthritis and various other health issues such as Crohn’s disease, stomach ulcers, skin wounds, kidney inflammation, and many, many more. It is also full of plenty of healthy nutrients such as protein, dietary fiber, niacin, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Vitamin K, potassium, calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, and zinc.

A member of the ginger family, turmeric is a root that usually comes in a powdered form, although it is also available in capsules, tincture, fluid extracts, and tea.

turmeric root
Turmeric Root

Turmeric is used in many recipes, especially in curries and other Asian dishes but it’s earthy, spicy, and often bitter taste can be an acquired taste for some (although once they’ve acquired the taste, many people become addicted!). Additionally turmeric can be consumed as a drink – turmeric tea!

What is Turmeric Tea?

Turmeric tea is a light and refreshing tea made with water, warming aromatic spices, honey, and, of course, turmeric. The tea has a slightly sweet, earthy flavor with just a hint of spice, making it especially perfect for warming up on a colder day. Tasting very similar to chai tea, turmeric tea is a delicious way to heal, cleanse, and detoxify your body.

Turmeric Tea Benefits

Turmeric tea is renowned for the multiple health benefits it offers, particularly when it comes to inflammation and pain – helping to treat health issues such as osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and ulcerative colitis. It can also help patients with cancer, multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer’s, and high cholesterol, to name but a few.
Turmeric can also help to prevent the blood from clotting and reduces the often-painful inflammation caused by wounds, acne, and various other skin conditions.

When it comes to pain relief, so many people across the globe call upon anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen and aspirin, to relieve the symptoms of everything from headaches, backaches, and other muscular aches and pains. Whilst these medicines are really effective at relieving the pain and inflammation caused by a whole range of conditions, they can cause many adverse side effects, especially with long-term use.
In fact, the side effects of the long-term use of anti-inflammatory drugs include, but are by no means limited to, nausea, diarrhea, gastrointestinal bleeding, hypertension (high blood pressure), increased risk of heart attack, increased risk of kidney cancer, and erectile dysfunction.
But the truth is, natural home remedies such as turmeric can often deliver the same effects as these medications, without many of the potential side effects.


Turmeric powder Used for the Tea

So, how does Turmeric it work?
Well, in exactly the same way as anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen. These drugs work by inhibiting an enzyme, COX-2 (Cyclooxygenase 2), which causes inflamed areas of the body to become painful and more inflamed. By blocking this enzyme, the medication blocks the pain and reduces the inflammation.

Turmeric works so well because it contains high levels of a compound called curcumin, which is a COX-2 inhibitor too. However, whilst turmeric has the same positive effects as the anti-inflammatory drugs, it rarely causes side effects. After all, it has been eaten and drunk across most of South East Asia for thousands of years without causing any problems.

Liver cleansing
As well as being a great anti-inflammatory, turmeric is also a powerful liver cleansing spice. In today’s toxin and chemical filled world, it’s easy for your liver to become stressed and overworked. Think about it, there are toxins all around us, in our air, our food, and our water. If your liver can’t keep up with the level of toxins feeding into it, they start to accumulate in the body and can have a serious effect on your health.
As well as avoiding processed foods and using lots of natural personal care and cleaning products, you can also help your liver out by incorporating herbs and spices into your diet to support your body’s detox pathways. As well as being a great anti-inflammatory, turmeric is also a powerful liver cleansing spice. So, if you’re looking to give your liver a boost, then turmeric tea could offer the perfect solution.

Prevents Cancer
It is believed that turmeric can help to prevent prostate cancer, slow or even stop the growth of existing prostate cancer, and even destroy cancer cells. Research has also shown that the active components in turmeric make it one of the best protectors against radiation-induced tumors, and it is also has preventive effect against

Relieves Arthritis
Turmeric has also been linked to arthritis, providing an effective form of pain relief to those who suffer from osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis, as well as many other forms of the disease. This is because the anti-inflammatory properties that can be found in turmeric work to destroy the free radicals in the body that are renowned for damaging body cells. In fact, case studies have proven that those suffering from arthritis who consume turmeric on a daily or regular basis, experienced far more relief from symptoms such as joint pain and inflammation, compared to those who didn’t consume turmeric.

Controls Diabetes
Turmeric is also regularly used to treat diabetes. It works by helping to moderate and control insulin levels in the body. But not only does it assist in the moderation of insulin levels, it is also renowned for improving glucose control, whilst increasing the effect of the medications that are used to treat diabetes.
Another significant benefit of using turmeric to treat diabetes is that it is able to reduce insulin resistance in the body, and it’s also been suggested that it could even prevent the onset of Type-2 diabetes! It’s important to note though that, if combined with other strong medications, turmeric can cause low blood sugar, so it’s always best to check with your doctor before using it alongside any other medications.

Reduces Cholesterol Levels
It’s highly likely that, at some point in your lifetime, you will suffer from high cholesterol, especially as you grow older. However, research has proven that, by regularly using turmeric as a food seasoning, it can significantly decrease cholesterol levels. Maintaining a healthy cholesterol level is paramount, as it is a well known fact that high cholesterol notoriously leads to a whole host of serious health problems such heart disease and stroke.

Immunity Booster
Also known as lipopolysaccharide, turmeric can help to stimulate and strengthen your body’s immune system. This is because it is full of antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal agents that work together to fight against colds, flu and coughs, ensuring that your immune system is strong.
However, if you do find yourself suffering from cold or flu like symptoms, simply mix one teaspoon of turmeric powder into a glass of warm milk, and drink daily until you feel better.

Heals Wounds
It’s inevitable that, from time to time, we all find ourselves nursing a cut or graze caused by a silly accident. However, even the smallest cuts or grazes can cause infection or take a long time to heal.
Both a natural antiseptic and anti-bacterial agent, turmeric can also be used as a highly effective disinfectant, protecting your skin or graze against infection whilst speeding up the healing process. All you need to do is sprinkle a small amount of turmeric powder onto the affected areas and you will instantly be protected. But that’s not all, turmeric can also be used to help to repair damaged skin, treat burns and even be used to effectively treat psoriasis along with a whole host of other common inflammatory skin conditions.

Other benefits include:
  • Detoxifies body and liver
  • Boosts immunity by improving liver function
  • Protects liver tissue
  • Cleanses and purifies the blood
  • Eases symptoms of coughs and colds
  • Improves circulation in the body
  • Improves skin complexion
  • Prevents internal blood clotting
  • Reduces inflammation – all types of arthritis and other inflammation
  • Stimulates secretion of bile which helps break down fat
***Please note that, despite its benefits, you shouldn't drink turmeric tea whilst you are pregnant or breastfeeding. If in doubt please contact your doctor first.***

Turmeric Tea Recipes

Making turmeric tea is nice and simple, and there are all sorts of variations and adaptations of the recipe, allowing you to customize it to suit your personal tastes. Whichever recipe you use (or even if you get creative and make up your own version of turmeric tea!), it’s important that you only use good quality turmeric powder, or alternatively, you can use grated fresh turmeric root for a stronger flavor.
Turmeric should be easy to find in your local grocery store or supermarket. Additionally Amazon probably has the most extensive range or turmeric powder and supplements available.

Recipe 1: Basic Turmeric Tea 
  • 4 cups of water
  • 1 teaspoon turmeric
  • Lemon or honey (or both!) to serve
  • Heat 4 cups of water, bringing it to the boil.
  • Add 1 teaspoon of turmeric.
  • Reduce the heat and let the mixture simmer for around 10 minutes.
  • Remove from the heat and strain using a fine sieve.
  • Pour into serving cups and add lemon or honey to taste.
Recipe 2: Turmeric Tea with a Twist
  • 2 cups water
  • 1 inch fresh ginger root, minced
  • 2-teaspoon ground turmeric
  • 1-teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • 1 lemongrass tea bag
  • 6 peppercorns (you can leave these out if you prefer!)
  • Pinch of sea salt
  • Bring the water to the boil in a small saucepan.
  • Add the peeled, minced ginger root, turmeric, cinnamon, peppercorns (remember, these are optional!), sliced oranges, and sea-salt.
  • Allow the mixture to simmer on a medium low heat for 10-15 minutes.
  • Add the lemongrass teabag and allow to steep for around 3 minutes.
  • Remove the teabag and pour the mixture into a mug.
Recipe 3: Creamy Turmeric Tea
 Why not give your turmeric tea a creamy twist?
  • 1 cup coconut or almond milk
  • ½ teaspoon turmeric
  • A pinch cayenne pepper
  • ½ inch finely chopped ginger root
  • 1 ½ teaspoon of honey (or an alternative sweetener)
  • In a pan, gently warm the cup of coconut or almond milk.
  • Mix together the turmeric, cayenne pepper, finely chopped ginger root, and the honey.
  • Add a small amount of the warmed milk and stir it into the mixture.
  • Mix well until all of the lumps have disappeared.
  • Add the rest of the milk and mix.
  • Strain and then serve.
Recipe 4: Sweet Turmeric Black Pepper Tea
  • 1/3 cup honey
  • 2 ½ teaspoons ground turmeric
  • Lemon
  • Freshly ground black pepper
  • Mash the turmeric and honey into a paste (you can then store this in a jar to ensure you have it on hand whenever the need arises).
  • For each cup of sweet turmeric black pepper tea, take a heaped teaspoon of the turmeric and honey paste.
  • Top with boiling water.
  • Add a squeeze of lemon and a few generous twists of freshly ground black pepper.
  • Stir and enjoy!
Recipe 5: Turmeric Lemon Tea
 Turmeric lemon tea combines the sweet, tangy flavours of lemon and ginger, with a gentle kick from the cayenne pepper.
  • 1 cup boiling water
  • 1 tablespoon lemon juice
  • 1/8 tablespoon ground ginger
  • 1/8 tablespoon turmeric
  • Cayenne
  • Honey to taste
  • In a mug, mix together the lemon juice, turmeric, ginger and cayenne.
  • Top with boiling water.
  • Stir well.
  • Add honey to sweeten to your personal taste.
Turmeric Tea Serving Suggestions
There are numerous ways to serve your turmeric tea, here are a few of our favorites…
  • Add a slice of orange, a dash of honey, the juice of 1 lemon, and 1 teaspoon of coconut oil.
  • Turmeric also works perfectly with a slice of apple or cucumber.
  • If you want a milder taste why not add extra water.
  • Serve chilled in the summer for a refreshing and healthy drink.

Friday, 7 August 2015

KIDNEY.......Six common habits that seriously damage your kidneys...

Kidneys are not a part of the body that many people think about – until something goes wrong with them! But if a kidney infection or kidney stone develops, it quickly becomes apparent that these small organs located in the lower back are incredibly important for the health of the whole body.

Their main function is to detoxify the blood, removing waste products from it constantly and ensuring that these wastes are removed from the body during urination. Infections or stones can seriously impair kidney function and can lead to pain, water weight gain and other unpleasant symptoms.

That is why taking care of the kidneys is so important. Unfortunately, there are many everyday habits that people practice and do not even think about that, over time, can seriously damage kidney health – and thus the health of the whole body.

1. Chronic dehydration

Chronic dehydration – in other words, going without enough water to drink day after day – is one of the worst things that people can do to their kidneys. This is because kidneys need plenty of water to cleanse them and remove impurities that can cause damage or infections. Pushing fluids, on the other hand, is one of the best ways to promote good kidney function.

2. Excessive salt consumption

Some sodium is okay – the body needs it in the same way it needs calcium or potassium. However, the American diet is especially incredibly high in sodium. This excessive sodium consumption raises blood pressure, and high blood pressure in turn can lead to kidney damage over time.

3. Delaying urination

It can be difficult, during a busy day, to stop and take time out to urinate. But people who delay the "call of nature" do so at their own risk: This delay can cause pressure, weaken the bladder, and increase the risk of infections and stones.

4. High sugar consumption

Sodium is not the only thing that is tough on the kidneys. Several studies have shown that those who have a high level of sugar consumption – and especially those who consume several sugary drinks like soda each day – are far more likely to have protein in their urine, a sign that the kidneys are being damaged.

5. A nutrient-poor diet

The American diet, with its reliance on processed and fast foods, is notoriously nutrient-poor. The problem with this is that many deficiencies in vitamins or minerals can cause damage to the kidneys and weaken the immune system, making kidney infections more likely.

6. Excessive meat consumption

Another problem with the American diet is that it is far too rich in meat – especially red meat. An extremely high animal protein diet forces the kidneys to work harder – and this over time can lead to kidney dysfunction and eventually to failure.

The great news is that all the risk factors mentioned above are modifiable: That is, people have control over them and can alter them to lead a lifestyle that will promote and support kidney health.

Tuesday, 4 August 2015


Bolehkah air jadi penawar......???


Apabila bercakap tentang air minuman yang terbaik untuk tubuh, masih ramai yang belum mengetahui tentang hal ini. Ini kerana sebahagian besar pengetahuan kita hanya tertumpu kepada fungsi asas air minuman sahaja iaitu air sebagai penghilang dahaga, namun peranan air adalah lebih daripada itu.

Jika anda memerlukan air yang minuman yang terbaik, anda memerlukan air menyihatkan malah boleh memberikan kesan positif kepada kesihatan. Jawapannya ada pada air alkali berstruktur Ion. Air alkali berstruktur Ion mengandungi kandungan mineral beralkali seperti kalsium, magnesium dan kalium yang baik untuk fungsi tubuh badan kita. Ia juga dapat menyeimbangkan paras keasidan dan kealkalian di dalam badan kerana ia berkait dengan tahap kesihatan.

Mungkin ramai yang tidak tahu bahawa punca kita menghidap sesuatu penyakit adalah disebabkan kandungan asid yang tinggi di dalam badan yang boleh menyumbang kepada penyakit. Selain itu, tabiat pemakanan kebanyakan rakyat Malaysia seperti mengambil makanan segera dan air berkarbonat juga menyumbang kepada keasidan di dalam badan.

Berikut adalah beberapa khasiat air alkali berstruktur Ion yang dapat membantu meningkatkan tahap kesihatan kesihatan badan:

1. Air alkali berstruktur Ion meneutralkan kadar asid berlebihan di dalam badan

Kebanyakan makanan yang kita ambil mengandungi kandungan asid. Makanan-makanan seperti daging merah, keju, pasta dan minuman berkarbonat boleh merendahkan nilai pH di dalam badan dan seterusnya meningkatkan tahap keasidan di dalam badan.

Walaupun asid diperlukan oleh badan contohnya dalam sistem pencernaan yang memerlukan asid untuk mencernakan makanan, namun kandungan asid yang berlebihan dan tidak terjaga boleh mendatangkan penyakit.

Menurut Dr.Mona Harrison, Pengarah Majlis Air Antarabangsa mengatakan bahawa virus dan agen jangkitan lain tidak boleh hidup di dalam persekitaran alkali. Sel yang sihat akan bersifat alkali dan sel yang rosak atau tidak sihat akan bersifat asid.

Oleh itu, air beralkali berstruktur Ion boleh menstabilkan kembali paras pH badan supaya tidak terlalu berasid dengan meningkatkan kembali tahap pH supaya pH badan kembali beralkali.

2. Air alkali berstruktur Ion menyingkirkan sisa toksin dari dalam badan dengan berkesan

Toksin biasanya lebihan atau sisa yang beracun kepada badan. Ia datang daripada makanan, sisa ubat-ubatan dan hasil kumuh. Ia perlu dikeluarkan segera dari dalam badan ia boleh memudaratkan badan serta mendatangkan penyakit.

Air beralkali berstruktur Ion adalah larutan yang sesuai untuk mencuci dan mengeluarkan toksin dari sistem perkumuhan seperti air kencing dan peluh. Ia lebih sesuai berbanding air paip atau air yang telah dimasak kerana ia mudah diserap di dalam sel-sel badan dan lebih berkesan untuk menyingkirkan toksin.

3. Tubuh badan tidak akan mengalami masalah kekurangan air

Molekul air beralkali berstruktur Ion adalah dalam bentuk kelompok yang lebih kecil berbanding molekul air biasa. Dengan ini, ia dapat diserap ke dalam tisu-tisu badan dengan mudah dan kekurangan air di dalam badan dapat dikurangkan.

Proses ini dinamakan penghidrasi. Ia penting untuk memastikan tubuh badan sentiasa mengandungi air yang cukup untuk sistem tubuh badan dan kemandirian hidup. Jika badan kekurangan air, sel-sel badan tidak akan dapat menjalankan proses osmosis dengan berkesan.

Dengan meminum air beralkali berstruktur Ion anda akan mendapat keperluan air yang mencukupi, bukan sahaja untuk menghilangkan dahaga, malah boleh memberikan kesihatan yang optimum.

4. Kanser tidak dapat hidup di dalam keadaan beralkali

Tahukah anda bahawa kanser boleh hidup di dalam keadaan yang kurang oksigen? Menurut Dr. Otto Warburg yang telah menerima Hadiah Nobel pada tahun 1923 telah menemui punca kepada berlakunya kanser di dalam tubuh badan. Beliau mendapati bahawa sel kanser adalah anaerobik (tidak bernafas dengan oksigen) dan tidak boleh hidup di dalam keadaan oksigen yang tinggi.

Keadaan oksigen yang tinggi adalah keadaan di mana tubuh badan yang mengandungi ion hidroksi yang tinggi yang juga dikenali sebagai beralkali. Apabila badan dipenuhi dengan air alkali, sel-sel kanser akan tidak aktif dan tidak boleh hidup di dalam medium tersebut.

5. Penawar kepada masalah kesihatan

Menurut kajian dari Universiti Gifu, Jepun mendapati bahawa air beralkali mampu mengurangkan masalah asid refluks yang mengganggu seseorang yang mengalami masalah gastrik, cirit-birit dan angin yang berlebihan.

Jika seseorang yang mengalami masalah kesihatan yang kronik seperti kanser, masalah kencing manis, hipertensi dan strok, dengan mengamalkan air alkali, ia mengandungi zat mineral yang diperlukan oleh badan serta dan seterusnya dapat membantu untuk mengurangkan rasa sakit yang dialami. Ini kerana badan kita dapat menyerap sumber mineral yang terkandung dalam air alkali dan membantu meneutralkan kadar asid dalam badan.

6. Air alkali berstruktur Ion adalah ejen antioksidan yang unggul

Punca kebanyakan penyakit yang sering berlaku adalah disebabkan kehadiran bendasing yang dipanggil radikal bebas. Maksud ‘bebas’ di sini adalah ia mengandungi lebihan elektron pada sel-selnya yang apabila bergabung dengan sel-sel badan, ia akan menyebabkan sel-sel badan itu rosak.

Untuk menghalang proses ini daripada berlaku, ejen antioksidan diperlukan untuk ‘menangkap’ radikal bebas ini dan meneutralkan kesannya dengan menggabungkan elektron (dari ejen antioksidan) kepada radikal bebas ini.

Air alkali berstruktur Ion mengandungi lebihan elektron yang membolehkan ia bertindak sebagai ejen antioksidan yang terbaik. Ia akan menukarkan radikal bebas itu kepada oksigen di mana oksigen ini akan digunakan untuk proses penghasilan tisu-tisu badan dan pengangkutan sel darah merah ke seluruh badan.

7. Air alkali berstruktur Ion membantu pengurangan berat badan

Detoksifikasi merupakan langkah terbaik untuk membersihkan bahagian dalaman badan daripada toksin yang mengundang kepada masalah kesihatan. Air alkali berstruktur Ion mengandungi lebihan elektron yang membolehkan ia bertindak sebagai ejen antioksidan yang terbaik.

Ia akan menukarkan radikal bebas itu kepada oksigen di mana oksigen ini akan digunakan untuk proses penghasilan tisu-tisu badan dan pengangkutan sel darah merah ke seluruh badan.

Air beralkali berstruktur ion mampu membantu untuk mengurangkan masalah berat badan dengan meneutralkan asid-asid yang berlemak seterusnya menyingkirkan dari tubuh badan.

8. Keajaiban Perubahan Pada Molekul Air Setelah Didoakan

Air juga mampu memberikan kesan positif kepada badan apabila dibacakan sesuatu perkataan kepadanya. Menurut kajian yang telah dijalankan oleh Dr. Masaru Emoto dari Universiti Yokohama, Jepun mendapati kristal air boleh berubah apabila dibacakan sesuatu ayat dengan perasaan tertentu.

Apabila air dibacakan dengan perkataan ‘cinta’, ‘aman’ dan apa-apa perkataan yang positif, kristal air akan berbentuk seperti hablur yang indah dan cantik. Namun, apabila air dibacakan dengan perkataan negatif seperti ‘benci’,’sedih’ dan ‘perang’, kristal air akan menghasilkan bentuk yang tidak menarik dan terpecah-pecah.

Penemuan ini membuktikan bahawa air boleh menyimpan memori dan dapat mempengaruhi manusia berdasarkan ayat-ayat yang dibacakan kepadanya.

Fenomena ini juga sinonim dengan amalan air jampi umat Islam yang membacakan ayat-ayat suci al-Quran pada air. Sememangnya kalimah Allah boleh memberikan kesan positif kepada pengamalnya apabila air tersebut diminum sesuai dengan air yang menjadi sumber kepada benda hidup seperti yang diceritakan di dalam al-Quran di dalam surah Al-Anbiya’ ayat 30 yang bermaksud,“Dan dari pada air, Kami jadikan segala sesuatu yang hidup”.

Secara ringkasnya, air beralkali berstruktur ion memberi banyak manfaat kepada kesihatan badan yang berupaya untuk sentiasa berhidrasi, mencegah dan membantu merawat pelbagai masalah kesihatan yang kronik. Dengan menggantikan air mineral biasa dengan air alkali berstruktur ion sebagai minuman harian, ia adalah langkah yang lebih baik kerana ia mengandungi sumber mineral yang bermanfaat untuk kesihatan badan.

Air Alkali  Berstruktur Ion yang terbaik hari ini adalah Air dari Mesin Kangen...

Alkaline Water Helps Multiple Sclerosis Patients


Just How Does Kangen Water Help MS Patients

MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS MS is an autoimmune disorder that causes inflammation and healthy cells of the brain and spinal cord to be attacked.  This then causes car tissue (Sclerosis) to build up.  Multiple Sclerosis is one of the advanced symptoms of Acidosis; which is is an increased acidity (i.e. an increased hydrogen ion concentration). If not further qualified, it usually refers to acidity of the blood plasma.  Acidosis is said to occur when arterial pH falls below 7.35. The following is how a HEALTHY immune system responds to an alarm set off in the body:  Inflammation is a manifestation of the immune system’s response to an invading organisms or substances.  These may be viruses, bacteria, fungi, allergens, or, in the case of autoimmune diseases, the bodies actual own tissue matter. When there is an invading organism (pathogen) which is recognized, the immune system then launches a response involving a number of different white blood cells (leukocytes) – this is known as an immune cascade. At the site of the infection, there are a number of physiological changes that take place to assist the destruction of the invaders. These include: Increased blood flow to the area to maximize the number of leukocytes that can get to the infection site. A thinning of the cells in local blood capillary walls (endothelial cells) to allow the leukocytes to squeeze through. An increase in local temperature which has an antibiotic effect. A large number of immune system signaling molecules (chemokines) are released by leukocytes to co-ordinate the immune response and to call more leukocytes to the site. Once the invader has been dealt with, the body terminates the immune response by killing off the leukocytes in the locality. This is done by depriving them of nutrients (necrosis) and by making them commit suicide (apoptosis). There are two ways that apoptosis happens: By sending cells special cellular messenger molecules (cytokines) to tell them to die. By not sending them other cytokines that tell them to keep living. A type of leukocyte, a helper T-cell, continues to release this type of cytokine while it continues to detect the presence of the pathogen. Once it can no longer detect it, it stops and other leukocytes die.


In multiple sclerosis and other autoimmune diseases, the inflammatory response seems to be launched in the absence of a pathogen. It seems that certain T-cells are mistakenly recognizing the insulating sheaths around nerves (myelin) as a foreign invader.  It is an auto immune disorder which causes the healthy cells of the brain and spinal cord to become inflamed causing necrosis and/or apoptosis. According to a tremendous amount of studies and independent research, Kangen Water (ionized water, alkaline water) aids to body in reducing its acidity level, decreases inflammatory conditions, and aids the body with auto immune diseases.  The list of conditions thatKangen Water helps with goes on and on… when the body is rid of its toxic, acid waste, alkalized and properly hydrated it is more able to deal with diseases and is given the environment needed to heal. Doctors agree that acid, in the form of toxic waste, is the underlying causes of every known degenerative disease!  Kangen Water rids the body of acid waste and raises the pH of the body.  It does this due to the alkalinity of the water, ORP (Oxidation Reduction Potential – the ability to pull acid waste from deep in the cells) and the fact that it is micro-clustered.  In other words, it is reduced water – broken down into very small water clusters allowing the water to penetrate deep into the cells to reach deep internal problems.

Treating MS with Kangen Water

In his book “Alkalize or Die” Dr. Theodore Baroody, outlines list of symptoms that may be precipitated by Acidosis:

Beginning Symptoms: 
1. Acne 2. Agitation 3. Muscular Pain 4. Cold Hands and Feet 5. Dizziness 6. Low Energy 7. Traveling Joint Pains 8. Food Allergies 9. Chemical Sensitivities or Odors, Gas, Heat 10. Hyperactivity 11. Panic Attacks 12. Pre-Menstrual and Menstrual cramping 13. Pre-menstrual anxiety and depression 14. Lack of sex drive 15. Bloating 16. Heartburn 17. Diarrhea 18. Constipation 19. Hot urine. 20. Strong smelling urine 21. Mild headaches 22. Rapid Panting Breath 23. Rapid Heartbeat Ǹ. Irregular Heartbeat 25. White Coated Tongue 26. Hard to Get Up 27. Excessive Head Mucus 28. Metallic taste in mouth 

Intermediate Symptoms: 
1. Cold sore (Herpes I & II) 2. Depression 3. Loss of Memory 4. Loss of Concentration 5. Migraine Headaches 6. Insomnia 7. Disturbance in smell, vision, taste 8. Asthma 9. Bronchitis 10. Hay Fever 11. Ear Aches 12. Hives and Rashes 13. Swelling 14. Viral infections (cold, flu) 15. Bacterial Infections (staph, strep) 16. Fungal infections (candida albicans, athlete’s foot, vaginal) 17. Impotence 18. Urethritis 19. Cystitis 20. Urinary infection 21. Gastritis 22. Colitis 23. Excessive falling hair 24. Psoriasis 25. Endometriosis 26. Stuttering 27. Numbness and Tingling 28. Sinusitis 

Advanced Symptoms: 
1. Crohn’s Disease 2. Schizophrenia 3. Learning Disabilities 4. Hodgkin’s Disease 5. Systemic Lupus Erythematosis 6. Multiple Sclerosis 7. Sarcoidosis 8. Rheumatoid Arthritis 9. Myasthenia Gravis 10. Scleroderma 11. Leukemia 12.Tuberculosis 13. All other Forms of Cancer   


Main Causes of Sickness, Disease and Premature Aging: 

1. Dehydration Our bodies use 2.5 liters of water at normal function in a mild climate. You should be drinking at least 2 liters of water a day. So you see, we are already behind on water intake. The most common signs of dehydration are headaches and fatigue. Our bodies prioritize when water is limited, so areas and organs low on the list just loose out. Water is the only source of hydration. Do not confuse all liquids with the hydrating ability of water. Soda, coffee, tea, and alcohol actually cause you to be more dehydrated. We need to drink more water. We need to drink better water. 

2. Free Radicals (Oxidants, Active Oxygen) A free Radical by definition is any unstable atom that has unpaired electrons in its outer shell. An unstable oxygen atom (oxidant) needs 2 more electrons to fill in its outer shell in order to stabilize. Oxygen by itself will seek out these electrons wherever it can, including healthy cells and our DNA. We get free radicals from various sources – the foods we eat, smoking, drinking alcohol and pollution, but the most common is breathing, Every breath brings in 2% free radicals which increases to 20% during cardiovascular activity. Our bodies’ natural anti-oxidizing systems can handle the load at rest, but during times of high stress and fatigue, the free radicals become too much. These radicals are linked to multiple diseases, including cancer and diabetes, and they can accelerate the aging process. Since free radicals are strong oxidants, they are oxidizing or “rusting” our bodies, like an old car. We must flush these free radicals out, in order to remain healthy and happy. 

3. Acidosis Acidosis is an overly acidic state in the body, caused by an acidic diet and lifestyle. Cooked meats, poultry, sugar, pasteurized dairy, coffee, sweeteners, and alcohol are all acidic. Vegetables, fruits, and nuts are all alkaline – the opposite of acidic. There needs to be a balance to combat the acid in our bodies, but this is not happening. All the food we crave is acid forming and over acidification of body fluids is linked to almost EVERY KNOWN DISEASE. Some examples are Diabetes, Heart Diseases, Heartburn, and Chronic Fatigue… just to name a few. During Menopause, women can become extremely acidic. Our bodies use calcium and other minerals to buffer this acidity. That calcium loss can lead to osteoporosis. We need balance; We need to fight the acidity. 

4. Intestinal Disorders Let’s start with physical facts. Most nutrients, vitamins, minerals, and proteins from our food are absorbed through our intestines. Food only stays in our stomachs for up to 3 hours. And then our intestines absorb the nutrients we need for survival. Of all the vital organs in the body, the one that suffers the most abuse from modern dietary habits is the intestinal tract. According to the recent study, we now consume approximately 100 times more pesticides, chemicals, livestock hormones, preservatives and carcinogens than just two generations ago. At this level, our body simply cannot handle that kind of constant toxic attacks by itself. Our intestines were intended by nature to function as smoothly flowing disposal systems, designed to promptly absorb nutrients and flush digestive wastes from the body. Instead, they have become stagnant cesspools. Every tissue is fed by the bloodstream which is supplied by the intestines. When the intestines are dirty, the blood is dirty, and so are the organs and tissues. It is the intestines that must be cared for first before any effective healing can take place. – Dr. Bernard Jensen, Ph. D According to the FDA, the average American carries anywhere between 5 to 22 pounds of compacted fecal matter, as foul toxic waste mucus, stuck in the folds of their colon (large intestine). This toxic mucus not only produces so Many free radicals but also prevents our vital nutrients from being absorbed. Nature never intended for us to move toxic substances through our system on a daily basis. Even the US Health and Human Services admitted that 90% of Americans are walking around with clogged colons. Almost ALL disease comes from this toxic cesspool in the colon. It is commonly known among medical circles that your colon is home base for almost every disease in the body.

Good Health Starts with Clean Intestines (And Clean Intestines Start with Kangen Water! This may be demonstrated with the research of Dr. Shinya (world renowned Dr. and inventor of colonoscopy).

Kangen water is the best water available to us, hands down. By drinking Kangen water, you are sweeping the free radicals out of your body because of the incomparably high anti-oxidizing properties. Kangen water has smaller clusters (water molecules) that hydrate you MUCH faster at a cellular level. The alkalinity and ORP (ability of the water to pull acid waste from your cells) of Kangen Water helps balance acidosis. All of these factors combined help clean all the stagnant toxic waste out of your colon. Considering over 70% of disease comes from a dehydrated, acidic colon hosting too many free radicals and the fact that your intestines will not function properly without enough water, drinking lots of Kangen water just makes total sense to help you fight these everyday battles. Combining healthy diet, moderate exercise and super-hydrating Kangen Water will be a huge step to restoring balance in your body.

This report is for informational purposes only.  It is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease.  Its content has not been reviewed by the FDA.  If you would like copies of medical studies and research done on the benefits of Kangen Water from hospitals and medical facilities that use Kangen please contact us and request more information.