MedikCure Health is a sharing base information and platform about the alternative way of promoting health using Natural elements which can give a good effect to the body and health. We promote and share an alternative way of health treatment and prevention. Contact us to get guidance on how this can help you. Wasap +(6) 019 414 6025.....
Monday, 28 September 2015
Sakit urat dan gout adalah sesuatu yang biasa bagi kebanyakkan masyarakat yang berumur atas 50 tahun. Banyak yang mengambil ubat yang hanya mampu melegakan sakit ini dalam beberapa ketika sahaja tetapi tidak mampu untuk menghilangkan terus kesakitan.
Ini ada cara yang terbaik untuk menghilangkan terus kesakitan oleh penyakit ini. Gunakan teknik ini bagi melegakan serta merawat sakit urat dan gout.
- 1 jug air Kangen ph 9.5
- 1/2 biji timun
- 1/2 biji lemon
- 2 batang daun sederi
- 2 inci halia muda
Potong halus untuk semua ini dan masukkan ke dalam jug. Kacau sebaiknya dan minum ikut sekerap yang mungkin.
Pesanan - apabila minum gabungan air ini anda akan berasa sedikit sakit tetapi inilah petanda yang penyakit anda akan beraksi baik. Minum terus sehingga sakit hilang.
Minuman ini juga boleh menyahkan segala toksid-toksid dalam badan..
Selamat mencuba....
Friday, 25 September 2015
How to Get Rid of a Headache Fast
How to Get Rid of a Headache Fast
Headaches are a very common problem. People of all ages get headaches from time to time. They can cause unbearable pain along with nausea and, at times, vomiting.
Common causes of headaches include stress, tension, restlessness, sinus problems, migraines, lack of sleep and dehydration.
Many people reach for over-the-counter medicines to get rid of their headaches. However, you can get instant pain relief using some easy and natural home remedies.
For example, gently pressing the webbed area between your thumb and index finger for about a minute can help ease your headache. Repeat on your other hand as well.
Here are the top 10 ways to get rid of a headache fast.
1. Water
If the cause of your headache is dehydration, you can easily get relief from the pain by rehydrating your body.
Simply drink a glass of water at the first sign of a headache and continue taking small sips throughout the day.
Along with water, you can have sports drinks. The electrolytes present in sports drinks can treat headaches caused by tension and dehydration.
When suffering from a headache, stay away from drinks like alcohol that can dehydrate your body.
2. Ice Pack
Placing a cold compress like an ice pack on your forehead will numb the pain, help shrink the blood vessels and improve circulation to the area. This particular remedy works well for headaches due to stress or sinus problems.
Wrap some ice cubes or crushed ice in a thin towel. Hold it against your forehead for a few minutes. A bag of frozen vegetables can also serve as an icepack. Never apply ice directly on your skin as it can damage the skin.
Alternatively, apply a cold cloth on your head and temples for 10 minutes and repeat the process for some time until you get relief.
3. Hot Water
Applying heat on the back of your neck can relieve headaches caused by stress. Heat relaxes tense muscles, thus alleviating the throbbing pain.
Simply apply a hot water bag to the back of your neck or take a hot shower directing the water onto the back of your neck.
Another option is to fill a tub with bearable hot water and put your hands in it for 10 to 15 minutes. This will improve blood circulation and thus give you relief from the headache.
If you suffer from chronic headaches, you can dip your legs in a bucket filled with hot water for 10 minutes before going to bed.
4. Lemon
Lemon is a very effective and powerful ingredient to treat headache because it is refreshing and relaxing. Plus, it helps maintain the acid-alkaline balance in the body.
Drinking warm water mixed with juice squeezed from one-half of a lemon will reduce the intensity of a headache. This particular remedy is beneficial for headaches caused by gas in the stomach.
Another option is to apply lemon crusts, pounded into a paste, on your forehead to immediately relieve pain.
5. Apple
Both apples and apple cider vinegar can be used to fight off a headache. They help restore the acid-alkaline balance in the body. Furthermore, simply the smell of green apples can help reduce migraine headaches.
When you wake up in the morning with a headache, eat a piece of apple sprinkled with some salt. Then drink some warm water.
Alternatively, fill a large bowl with steaming hot water and add 3 to 4 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar to it. Hold a towel over your head and take in the steam for 10 to 15 minutes.
Another option is to add 2 teaspoons of some apple cider vinegar to a glass of water. You can also add a little honey and lemon juice. Drink it 2 or 3 times a day.
6. Peppermint
Peppermint has calming and soothing properties that can help treat headaches.
You can make an herbal tea by adding 1 teaspoon of dried peppermint to a cup of boiling water. Cover and let it steep for 10 minutes. Strain and add some honey to sweeten it. Sip the tea slowly.
You can also use peppermint oil to gently massage your temples, jaw and the back of your neck for instant pain relief.
In addition, inhaling the soothing aroma of peppermint steam can ease headache as well as accompanying symptoms, such as nausea and vomiting.
7. Ginger
Ginger has anti-inflammatory properties that can help ease headache pain. It also helps relax the blood vessels in the head, reduces swelling in the brain and activates natural opiates in the brain that help lessen the pain.
Simply drink ginger tea up to 3 times a day to reduce inflammation in the body and alleviate headache pain. It is important to start at the onset of the headache so the ginger can act quickly.
8. Eucalyptus Oil
Eucalyptus oil has pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory properties. It provides a soothing effect and helps relax tense muscles contributing to a headache.
Simply massage your forehead and temples with eucalyptus oil for 15 to 20 minutes. Along with eucalyptus oil, you can use coconut or almond oil.
9. Cinnamon
Cinnamon is another herb that can effectively treat headaches. This remedy is helpful for headaches caused by exposure to cold air.
Grind some cinnamon sticks into a powder.
Add some water to make a thick paste.
Apply it on your forehead and temples and lie down for 30 minutes.
Wash if off with lukewarm water.
10. Betel Leaves
Betel leaves are known for their analgesic as well as cooling properties, which can effectively alleviate a headache within a few minutes.
Put 2 to 3 fresh betel leaves in a grinder to make a fine paste. Apply this paste on your forehead and temples. Leave it on for 30 minutes. Soon you will get relief from the intense pain.
You can also chew 1 or 2 betel leaves to treat a headache.
So, next time you get a headache, just try some of these natural remedies to get rid of it quickly and effectively.
However, if you have frequent headaches, consult a doctor.
Thursday, 24 September 2015
The Right Way Of Drinking Water.
The Right Way Of Drinking Water.
Human body consists of 50-70% water. Our body continuously needs water to perform all the activities and functions; therefore drinking water is very good for health. Sunnah Rasulullah s.a.w. has laid down some essential guidelines for drinking water to help improve your health and to prevent any ailments due to the improper water drinking habits.
The Way to Drink Water
1. It is better to drink water while sitting than while standing.
2. You should drink it slowly and avoid gulping down large volumes of water in a single breath.
3. Tepid water is best to drink and it is advised to avoid drinking ice cold water.
4. It is best to drink when you are feeling thirsty. When you listen to thirst cues and sip water throughout the day you’ll be drinking the right amount.
5. You should stop drinking water after you feel satiated as it is a signal from your body to stop drinking.
6. The color of your urine may indicate whether you are sufficiently hydrated or not. The color of your urine should be fairly clear and straw colored. Dark yellow urine may indicate a sign of dehydration.
7. Dry chapped lips may also indicate the lack of sufficient water being supplied to your body.
8. Normally the minimum gap between food and water should be between 1.5 to 2.5 hrs. Though it may vary according to different geographic locations, as the body’s ability to digest food depends on external factors like the outside temperature.
9. Though very contradictory, but the right time to drink water while taking food is to drink just the required amount of water, along with your food rather than drinking water before or after food.
10. If really thirsty, one can have fresh fruit juice after morning meal, buttermilk after lunchand milk after dinner. Though these also contain mostly water, the properties are completely different and are good for our digestive system.
11. The famous practice of drinking water is in the morning. A regular drinking helps in keeping the body healthy. It also helps to get rid of many diseases and disorders like headaches, blood pressure, anemia, obesity, arthritis etc.
Why shouldn’t you drink water after meal?
Sunnah Rasulullah s.a.w. strictly prohibits drinking water at the end of a meal as it kills the energy required by our digestive system to process the ingested food. This allows the food to remain in our system for longer duration which may cause the food to rot inside our system, instead of getting digested, which may lead to the formation of gas and acidity problems.
Tuesday, 22 September 2015
9 Signs of Lung Cancer You Need to Know
9 Signs of Lung Cancer You Need to Know
In its early stage, lung cancer has no noticeable symptoms. In nearly 40 percent of patients which had lung cancer, the diagnosis was made after the disease had progressed. Even in one third of the patients the lung cancer was diagnosed at stage 3. In this text you will find out which are the early symptoms, how to recognize them and in what way early screening can help.
9 Signs of Lung Cancer You Need to Know
Part 2 of 12: Cough
Cough That Won’t Quit
Be careful if the cough lasts longer than usual. When you catch a cold or have a respiratory infection the cough will be gone after week or two. On the other hand persistent cough which doesn’t stop can be a sign of lung cancer. So if you cough for a longer period of time, with mucus or without, don’t think it is just a cold but go and visit your doctor who will check your lungs and you may need to have x-rays or some other tests.
Part 3 of 12: Chronic Cough
Change in a Cough
Particularly if you are a smoker, you need to be more careful if there are some changes in chronic cough. These changes may include: frequent coughing with hoarse and deeper sound, coughing up blood or excessive mucus .If you have these symptoms immediately visit your doctor. And if someone close to you has these symptoms advise him/her to visit the doctor as well.
Part 4 of 12: Shortness of Breath
Breathing Changes
Being often out of breath is a possible symptom of a lung cancer and occurs as a result of blocking and narrowing the airways by the cancer as well as from fluid accumulated in the chest by lung tumor. So pay attention if you are short of breath often, for example when you bring groceries, when you climb stairs or you perform actions which didn’t make you feel breathless before, visit a doctor.
Part 5 of 12: Chest Pain
Pain in the Chest Area
Pain in the back, chest or in shoulder can be also caused by lung cancer which is rarely linked with coughing. Inform your doctor if you suffer from chest pain whether it is constant, comes and goes or it is dull. Also pay attention if the pain occurs only in a single area or appears throughout the chest. Chest pain which is a result of lung cancer is due to metastasis to the chest wall, pleura (lining around the lungs), or the ribs or because of enlarged lymph nodes.
Part 6 of 12: Wheezing
When you breathe, if a wheezing or whistling sound appears, it may occur due to blocked, inflamed or constricted airway. Don’t panic immediately because wheezing can be a sign of various medical conditions which are benign and curable. But it can be lung cancer symptom as well, so you need to consult your doctor. If the wheezing is prolonged don’t think that it is asthma or allergies, let your doctor confirm the diagnosis.
Part 7 of 12: Voice Changes
Raspy, Hoarse Voice
Immediately visit a doctor if you or someone else notices that your voice is deeper, raspier or hoarse. These symptoms can be linked with simple cold but if they last more than two weeks you should start to worry. Hoarseness caused by lung cancer appears when the tumor affects the nerve which controls the voice box or larynx,
Part 8 of 12: Weight Loss
Drop in Weight
Lung cancer or another type of cancer can also cause rapid weight loss -10 pounds or more. This is due to cancer cells which are using the energy from the body as well as from the way the body uses the energy obtained from food.
Part 9 of 12: Bone Pain
Bone Pain
Pain which occur in the back or in other areas can be caused by lung cancer which is spread to the bones. This pain becomes more severe during the night while sleeping on the back. Furthermore this type of cancer is linked with arm, neck and shoulder pain although rarely. In any case you need to pay attention to any kind of pain and to inform your doctor about it.
Part 10 of 12: Headache
If the lung cancer has spread to the brain, than headache is the symptom. Though, not all headaches are linked with brain metastases. In some case the lung tumor can press the main vena cava, the larger vein which takes the blood from upper body into the heart. This can also cause headache.
Part 11 of 12: CT Scan
Easy Screening May Help
Early stage cancer cannot be discovered with chest x-rays. On the other hand, according to study from 2011, low-dose computed tomography (CT) scans are proven to help in reducing lung cancer mortality by 20%. In this study, 53,454 people at high risk for lung cancer had a low-dose CT scan or an X-ray. The low-dose CT scans were more successful in discovering lung cancer.
Part 12 of 12: High-Risk Patients
Aimed at High-Risk Patients
Due to this study the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force recommended people which are more prone to this disease to have low-dose CT screening. This is recommended to people who:
are 55 to 79 old
have smoked within the past 15 years
have a 30 year or more history of smoking
Consult your doctor about whether low-dose CT screening is suitable for you.
13 Problems caused by not drinking enough water...
13 Problems Caused By Not Drinking Enough Water
Dehydration occurs when the body loses more water than it takes in. Vomiting, diarrhea, the use of drugs that increase urine excretion (diuretics), profuse sweating (for example, during heat waves, particularly with prolonged exertion), and decreased water intake can lead to dehydration.
But there is a chronic form of dehydration that does not have the sudden and intense symptoms of the acute form. Chronic dehydration is widespread in the present day and affects everyone who is not drinking enough liquid.
At first, dehydration stimulates the thirst center of the brain, causing thirst, a powerful motivator for people to drink more fluids. If water intake does not keep up with water loss, dehydration can become more severe.
Here are 13 symptoms that tells you that you are not consuming enough water.
Fatigue, Energy Loss
Dehydration of the tissues causes enzymatic activity to slow down.
Premature Aging
The body of a newborn child is composed of 80 percent liquid, but this percentage declines to no more than 70 percent in an adult and continues to decline with age.
Excess Weight and Obesity
We may overeat because we crave foods rich in water. Thirst is often confused with hunger.
High and Low Blood Pressure
The body’s blood volume is not enough to completely fill the entire set of arteries, veins, and capillaries.
When dehydration causes too much liquid to be drained from inside the cells, the body tries to stop this loss by producing more cholesterol.
When chewed food enters the colon, it contains too much liquid to allow stools to form properly, and the wall of the colon reduces it. In chronic dehydration, the colon takes too much water to give to other parts of the body.
Digestive Disorders
In chronic dehydration, the secretion of digestive juices is less.
Gastritis, Stomach Ulcers
To protect its mucous membranes from being destroyed by the acidic digestive fluid it produces, the stomach secretes a layer of mucus.
Respiratory Troubles
The mucous membranes of the respiratory region are slightly moist to protect the respiratory tract from substances that might be present in inhaled air.
Acid-Alkaline Imbalance
Dehydration activates an enzymatic slowdown producing acidification.
Your body needs enough moisture to sweat 20 to 24 ounces of water, the amount necessary to dilute toxins so they do not irritate the skin.
Cystitis, Urinary Infections
If toxins contained in urine are insufficiently diluted, they attack the urinary mucous membranes.
Dehydration abnormally increases the concentration of toxins in the blood and cellular fluids, and the pains increase in proportion to the concentration of the toxins.
Saturday, 19 September 2015
17 Signs You4 Body is Too Acidic....
how to alkalize
17 Signs Your Body is Too Acidic and 9 Ways to Quickly Alkalize It
This guest post was written Elisha of My Health Maven. She is deeply passionate about educating people and empowering them to lead healthier lives. I encourage you to check out her blog.
Acidic bodies are unhealthy bodies. When the body is acidic, it creates an unwanted environment where illness, bacteria, and yeast thrive. When the body is overly acidic, the body takes minerals from vital organs and bones to neutralize the acid and remove it from the body. Because of this, the body’s mineral reserves such as calcium, sodium, potassium and magnesium can run dangerously low and cause damage that can go undetected for years, until it reaches unhealthy levels, causing acidosis.
Most of us are already consuming enough acid forming foods, such as dairy, grains, meats and sugar. Since the body is constantly generating acidic waste products from the metabolism, those waste products need to be neutralized or excreted in some way. In order to neutralize the constant acid generation, we need to supply the body with more alkaline foods.
Consider the health problems caused by mild acidosis (poor pH balance):
Inflamed sensitive gums, cavities
•Immune deficiency
•Sciatica, lumbago, stiff neck
•Respiratory problems, shortness of breath, coughing
•Yeast fungal overgrowth
•Low energy and chronic fatigue
•Cardiovascular damage, including the constriction of blood vessels and reduction in oxygen
•Heart problems, arrhythmias, increased heart rate
•Weight gain, obesity and diabetes
•Bladder and kidney infections
•Accelerated free radical damage
•Premature aging
•Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea
•Osteoporosis, weak brittle bones, hip fractures, bone spurs
•Headaches, confusion, sleepiness
•Joint pain, aching muscles and lactic acid buildup
•Allergies, acne
Doesn’t the body adjust pH on its own?
Yes it can, but it does so at a price. The normal pH for all tissues and fluids in the body, except the stomach is alkaline. With the exception of blood, all of the body systems have a wide pH range, in part so they can shift to maintain the blood pH, which must be maintained at the very narrow margin of 7.35 to 7.45. For example, if the system becomes too acidic, the blood will take alkaline forming elements from the digestive enzyme system of the small intestine. This now creates a less than optimal environment for proper digestion. So while the body can adjust pH on its own, it does so at a price to other systems in the body, which can lead to additional health problems.
Start by knowing your pH
pH testing is important because it allows an individual to get a numeric representation of the current level of acidification in their body. A healthy average pH reading will range anywhere from 6.75 to 7.25. The optimal pH numeric reading is 7.36. To learn more about ph testing check references at end of article.
You can’t tell if food is acidic or alkaline by taste alone
For example, many people think of lemons as acidic, while it is classified as an acidic fruit, it is actually an alkaline forming food. During the process of digestion the acids are oxidized into carbon dioxide and water, therefore they do not create an acid condition in the system.
Calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium and sodium are the main alkalizing minerals. Foods that are high in this minerals are considered alkaline forming food. Most foods have both acid and alkaline minerals in them. If acidic minerals are greater in concentration than that food is considered acidic and vice versa.
The body has limits
The body has limits for how much it can compensate for acid imbalance. Therefore food intake plays a critical role in maintaining the acid-alkaline balance. Many diseases and general malaise are the result of the body’s attempt to rebalance the internal environment.
Generally speaking, if the diet includes too many acid forming foods, such as high amounts of meats, grains, dairy, sugars, the body becomes more acidic. If you eat too many alkaline producing foods such as greens, fruits, sea vegetables the body can become too alkaline. Balance is key.
How does your body respond to specific foods?
It’s important to realize that the way your body responds to various foods depends on your dominant constitutional type. If your dominant type is oxidative then fruits and vegetables move the body to the more acid side, while proteins make your body more alkaline. If however you are more dominant to the autonomic system (ANS) then proteins cause your body to become more acidic and fruits and vegetables shift the body to a more alkaline environment.
How to improve your alkalinity
1. Check your pH regularly
2. Drink plenty of water (alkaline water when possible)
3. Remove acidic foods
4. Replace a traditional lunch with a large green salad.
5. Use lettuce leaves and collard greens as wraps.
6. Try not to consume processed foods
7. Eliminate soda, sugars and coffee. Replace them with herbal tea, herbal coffee and green drinks
8. Replace dairy milks with coconut or almond milk
9. Add green juices or smoothies to your diet
What you eat matters
Improving pH levels may require a little more thought, but you’ll appreciate the rewards of your efforts as you begin to feel more energetic and vibrant and your overall health improves.
There is no question about it, what you eat has a direct impact on your overall health. It was Ann Wigmore, founder of the renowned Hippocrates Health Institute who said, “The food you eat can be either be the safest and most powerful form of medicine or the slowest form of poison.”
Thursday, 10 September 2015
What is the Root Cause of Cancer....
What Is The Root Cause Of Cancer?
In 1931, Dr. Otto H. Warburg was awarded the Nobel Prize in Medicine for an important discovery about cancer. He stated, “Cancerous tissues are acidic, whereas healthy tissues are alkaline. Water splits into H+ and OH- ions, if there is an excess of H+, it is acidic; if there is an excess of OH- ions, then it is alkaline”.
“All normal cells have an absolute requirement for oxygen, but cancer cells can live without oxygen – a rule without exception. Deprive a cell 35% of its oxygen for 48 hours and it may become cancerous.”
Warburg investigated the metabolism of tumors and the respiration of cells and discovered that cancer cells maintain and thrive in a lower pH, as low as 6.0, due to lactic acid production and elevated CO2. He firmly believed that there was a direct relationship between pH and oxygen.
Higher pH (alkaline) means a higher concentration of oxygen molecules while lower pH (acidic) means lower concentrations of oxygen. Thus due to excessive acidity in the body, meaning that the pH in the body is below the normal level of 7.365, which constitutes an “acidic” state is the cause of cancer.
In his work “The Metabolism of Tumors”, Warburg demonstrated that “all forms of cancer are characterized by two basic conditions: acidosis and hypoxia (lack of oxygen). Lack of oxygen and acidosis are two sides of the same coin: where you have one, you have the other.”
Dr. Warburg thus has made it clear that the root cause of cancer is oxygen deficiency, which creates an acidic state in the human body. He also discovered that cancer cells are anaerobic (do not breathe oxygen) and cannot survive in the presence of high levels of oxygen, as found in an alkaline state.