Sunday, 28 February 2016


What Happens to Your Body When You’re Dehydrated

Dehydration is not a simple health issue. Anyone can run out of liquids in their body due to various reasons, so it is important that you always hydrate yourself with water. Read on to learn more about symptoms of dehydration and how to prevent it.

What Is Dehydration?

Water makes up at least two-thirds of the human body. It plays a large part in your normal functions, such as lubricating your joints and eyes, keeping your skin healthy by eliminating toxins, and facilitating proper digestion. Once the water in your body is reduced, it needs to be replaced because an imbalance between the salts and sugar in your body can affect the way you will perform.1

If your body has lost one to two percent of its entire water content, you will feel thirsty, a sign that you need to replenish the lost liquids.

Dehydration happens when you've lost too much water in your body without replacing it, preventing your body to perform its normal functions. Mild dehydration can easily be treated but if it reaches extreme levels, it can be life-threatening and will require immediate medical attention. 

Signs and Symptoms of Dehydration

Aside from the common symptoms like intense thirst or sweating too much, here are some of the mild and severe symptoms of dehydration:2                       

Dry, sticky mouth
Extreme thirst
Sleepiness or tiredness
Irritability and confusion
Dry skin
Sunken eyes
Dry skin that doesn't bounce back when you pinch it
Low blood pressure
Dizziness or lightheadedness
Rapid heartbeat
Few or no tears when crying
Rapid breathing
Minimal urine
No tears when crying
Dry, cool skin3
Muscle cramps
Little or no urination, and any urine color that is darker than usual

In serious cases, delirium or unconsciousness
Infants are more vulnerable to dehydration, that's why immediate attention must be given to them especially if you see these symptoms:

Sunken soft spot (fontanelle) on their head
Few or no tears when they cry
Dry mouth
Few wet diapers
Fast breathing
Chronic dehydration may affect your organs and lead to kidney stones, cholesterol problems, constipation, and liver, joint, and muscle damage.

Whether it is mild, moderate, or severe dehydration, the lost liquids in your body must be immediately replaced. If you start to develop severe diarrhea with or without vomiting, fever, moderate diarrhea for 24 hours, bloody stool, or you can't drink any liquids, you must get professional treatment as soon as possible.

What Causes Dehydration?

There are various reasons for dehydration like intense physical activity, which makes you lose so much water – fat and calories are counted as well – so proper hydration is necessary. Other causes of dehydration include:4

Diarrhea. It prevents your intestinal tract from absorbing water from the foods that you eat, which makes it the most common cause of dehydration.
Vomiting. Common causes include foodborne illnesses, nausea, and alcohol poisoning.
Sweating. Vigorous sweating may happen due to various reasons like fever and engaging in intense physical activity. Profuse sweating can also occur when you are working in a hot condition.5
Diabetes. Aside from having high blood sugar levels, some medications for diabetes like diuretics may cause diabetics to frequently urinate.
Frequent urination. It can be cause by alcohol and certain drugs like antihistamines, blood pressure medications, and antipsychotics.
Who Is at Risk of Dehydration?

While everyone is prone to dehydration, there are people who are at a high risk for it like those who engage in mountain climbing. It is especially hard for hikers to stay hydrated because the pressure in high altitude places makes them lose more sweat and breathe harder. The increased gas exchange causes your body to lose more water vapor.6

Athletes, particularly those who are involved in marathons, triathlons, and cycling tournaments, are also predisposed to dehydration. The longer they exercise, the more they lose water in their bodies.

One study7 even revealed that dehydration can affect basketball players' performance. The study focused on 17 males ranging from 17-28 years old, and determined their performance based on different dehydration levels of up to 4 percent. The result showed that when there's an increase in dehydration, skill performance decreases.

Infants and children are especially prone to dehydration since their bodies are composed of 70 percent and 65 percent water, respectively. Since their bodies are more vulnerable to water depletion, their need for water is greater than adults.

Elderly people are also at risk for dehydration since the thirst mechanism weakens as a person grows older. According to BBC News,8 research revealed that one in five seniors is not getting enough water every day, as aging causes people to lose their sense of thirst mainly because of minimal social contact or forgetfulness. Those with dementia were found to have a six-fold increased risk for dehydration.

Ill-stricken people, like those who are inflicted with kidney disease, diabetes, cystic fibrosis, and adrenal gland disorders, are also more prone to dehydration. Alcoholics may also be susceptible to this condition.

How to Prevent Dehydration

Since dehydration can be a life-threatening condition, it is important that you replenish your body with water immediately after you've lost so much. Water plays such an immense role in your bodily functions, making it an essential part of your everyday life.

Always bring a bottle of water with you during exercise or any physical activity, especially when the temperature's too hot. One good rule of thumb to prevent dehydration is to drink as much water until your urine turns light yellow. Dark urine means that your kidney is retaining liquids in order for your body to perform its normal functions.

It is especially important to pay attention to people who are sick with fever, vomiting, or diarrhea, so they may not become dehydrated. They should be given lots of water to replace the liquids that they've lost.

Drinking Sports Drinks Will Not Keep You Hydrated

Sports drink is one of the highly commercialized beverages today – from its TV advertisements to its popular athlete endorsers – as mainstream media makes it look like drinking it will keep you healthy and well-hydrated. Beverage companies advertise that sports drink will help replenish the electrolytes in your body during exercise or outdoor activities, but the truth is the ingredients of your favorite sports drinks will not hydrate and benefit you, and may even be detrimental to your health.

A typical sports drink contains high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS) and artificial sweeteners. It has two-thirds of the sugar content of soda, and is 30 times more erosive to your teeth than water. High-fructose corn syrup could cause negative health impacts like preventing the natural production of your body's human growth hormone (HGH). It also contributes to almost all chronic diseases like diabetes, cancer, and heart disease.

Aside from sports drinks, there are also other sweetened beverages that you don't benefit much from, like sodas. These are also equally unhealthy for your health, as just a 20-ounce bottle of cola gives you 16 teaspoons of sugar through high-fructose corn syrup. Diet soda makes no difference either because a study revealed that diet soda drinkers have a 70 percent increase in waist size than those non-diet soda drinkers in a 10-year period.9

Commercial fruit juices are another sweetened drink that you must avoid because they do not have any hydrating properties and are actually loaded with sugar. For example, Minute Maid's 15.2 ounce bottle actually contains 49 grams of sugar.

What's more, most processed fruit juices are made with little resemblance of what an actual fresh fruit juice would be. Commercial fruit juices are pasteurized and their oxygen is removed to preserve them for a long time, making the juices less nutrient-dense. Store-bought fruit juices with an expiration date of 60 days or more is a sign that it is heavily processed, so I encourage you to boycott these kinds of beverages.

Choose to Drink Living Water

I advise you to avoid drinking tap water at all costs as it contains fluoride, heavy metals, and disinfection byproducts that may have ill effects on your health. Install a water filter in your home to ensure that these harmful contaminants are strained.

If you want the best water for you and your family, I suggest drinking structured or "living" water, such as deep spring water. According to Dr. Gerald Pollack, one of the world's leading research scientists about the physics of water, structured water or EZ "exclusion zone" water is the same type of water found in your cells. It has a negative charge, and works just like a battery by holding and delivering energy.

Since distilled water is too acidic and alkaline water is too alkaline, only structured water contains the ideal PH range of 6.5 to 7.5. That's why I truly want you to nourish your body with structured water, as it can restore your body to a balanced and whole state. 

I personally drink vortexed water since I became a fan of Viktor Schauberger, who did so much work about vortexing hundred years ago. By creating a vortex in your glass of water, you are putting much energy in it and increasing EZ as well.

Ideal EZ water can be found in glacial melt but since it is practically inaccessible for almost everyone, natural deep spring water is a good source. Just bring glass jugs and avoid plastic bottles since they contain bisphenol A, bisphenol B, and phthalates, which are harmful to your health.

Other Natural Thirst-Quenchers for Preventing Dehydration

If you want to drink something flavorful than water, you can opt for raw, organic green juice made from fresh vegetables. However, I recommend refraining from drinking juice with too many fruits as it will have high amounts of sugar and calories. Go for a green juice recipe that combines one or two fruits and larger amounts of greens like spinach, celery, or kale. That way, you can minimize your sugar intake and still get all the nutrients from the fruits and vegetables in their purest forms.

I advise keeping your fructose consumption below 25 grams per day. If you have type 2 diabetes, insulin resistance, or heart disease, it is wise if you will minimize your total fructose to 15 grams daily.

Coconut water also serves as a great replacement for commercially sold sports drinks. It provides optimal health benefits due to its anti-inflammatory, amino acids, and antioxidants. A word of caution: coconut water also contains sugar, so you should drink it in moderation. Drink it preferably after a cardio workout, when you need to replace minerals and fluids.

The Key to Avoiding Dehydration: Listen to Your Body

No one can determine if you have dehydration better than yourself. If you feel that you are already thirsty or sweating profusely, you have to replenish your body with water immediately. Do not wait for severe symptoms to show before you take action, since this can be life threatening.

Everyone is practically at risk for dehydration, even without any physical activity, so it is important to always keep a bottle of filtered water to always keep you hydrated. Remember that a healthy person urinates seven to eight times each day, so if you're not urinating frequently it means that you're not drinking enough water.

Remember to always listen to your body. Once you feel that urge to drink, opt for structured or filtered water rather than artificially sweetened beverages, which can have dire effects on your health. Nothing feels more refreshing than cold water to replace the liquids that you've lost.

Monday, 22 February 2016

10 Healthy Reasons to Drink Hot Water

10 Healthy Reasons to Drink Hot Water

Regularly drinking hot or warm water can provide many health benefits. These include reduction of metabolic waste, providing digestive power and helping to build your immune system.

Drinking warm water may not suit your taste buds, but it may be beneficial to put tea or caffeine aside for your health’s sake. Below are 10 healthy reasons to drink hot water:


1. Alleviates Pain

Drinking warm water can help alleviate pain from headaches to menstruation. The heat from hot or warm water can have a soothing and calming effect on the abdominal muscles, which can help provide relief for muscle spasms and cramps.

2. Cleanses Digestion

A warm cup of water in the morning can cleanse the body by flushing out the toxins. Water and other liquids can help break down the food in the stomach, thus keeping the digestive system on track.

3. Hair Health

Drinking hot or warm water can help you obtain that shiny and soft hair. This help to energize the nerve endings in the hair roots and makes them more active. This is important in having natural vitality and for keeping your hair healthy.

4. Healthy Skin

Consumption of hot water keep your body warm and hydrated. It is beneficial for dry and flaky skin. It is also important in maintaining a healthy skin as because it helps improve the blood circulation throughout the body and gives a rosy complexion.

5. Improves Blood Circulation

Drinking a warm or hot water can help eliminate the accumulating deposits in your nervous system. Also this enhances blood circulation and flushes out the toxins that are circulating throughout the body.

6. Prevents Premature Aging

Drinking warm water can prevent premature aging. Toxins present in the body can lead to faster aging, but warm water can help cleanse the body from those toxins, by repairing skin cells to increase elasticity.

7. Relieves Constipation

Drinking a glass of warm or hot water on an empty stomach in the morning can help improve bowel movements. This process breaks down food particles and increase hydration to prevent constipation.

8. Remedy for Cough and Cold

Drinking warm or hot water can help reduce throat pain, by liquefying thick mucous in the esophagus and sinuses. Warm water acts as an effective expectorant.

9. Weight Loss

Hot water can help break down fat deposits from the body, thus help in weight loss. You can opt to have a glass of warm or hot water with either lemon or honey, after every meal.

10. Prevents Pimples and Acne

Drinking hot or warm water deep cleanses the body and helps to eliminate the root causes of acne-related infections

Sunday, 21 February 2016


Ways To Quickly Alkalize

If your body’s pH level is acidic, bacteria, yeast and illnesses develop because your body becomes an unhealthy environment. Acidic body neutralizes the acid and balances the pH levels by feeding on minerals from vital organs and bones which exhausts magnesium, potassium and sodium from the body and this will probably cause acidosis.

The acid in our body is created when we consume dairy, meat, sugar and grains. The body is always generating acidic waste from the metabolism and these foods create extra acids which you should neutralize by eating more alkaline food.

Doesn’t the body adjust pH levels in its own?

The normal pH levels of your body are alkaline, with the stomach as an exception. Every system in your body, except for the blood, has a wide pH range which can vary and maintain the blood’s pH level between 7.35 and 7.45. In case the blood becomes too acidic it will take from the enzymes the elements which create alkaline thus causing improper digestion. This activities of the body can trigger serious health problems.

Know your pH

Every person should take pH tests in order to know their current levels of acidity. The healthy pH level varies between 6.75 and 7.25, and the optimal level is at 7.36.

You can’t tell alkaline or acidic food by taste

People usually think lemons are acidic. On the contrary, they create alkaline in the body. When lemons get digested, the acids in it oxidize in carbon dioxide and water thus they don’t form acid in the system.

The most important alkaline minerals are calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium and sodium and the foods that contain these create alkaline in the body. There are also foods that are acidic and alkaline at the same time. If the acidic minerals are predominant the food is acidic and vice versa.

The body has limits

The body cannot balance the acidity forever. Various diseases occur this was, when the body tries hard to bring balance to its environment. What make the body acidic are acid forming foods like meat, sugar and dairy. It is the same for alkaline forming foods. Keep balance to maintain a healthy body.

How does your body respond to specific foods?

According to your constitutional type, your body reacts to certain foods in certain ways. If you are more oxidative it means that fruits and vegetables are acidic for you and proteins are alkaline forming. On the other hand, if the autonomic system dominates (ANS) it means that proteins are acidic for you and fruit and vegetables are alkaline forming.

How to improve alkalinity

Just follow these tips:

Regularly check your pH levels
Consume lots of water
Don’t consume acidic foods
Eat green salad for lunch
Use lettuce leaves and collard greens for wrapping
Stay away from processed foods
Remove soda, coffee and sugar from your diet and drink herbal coffee, herbal tea and green drinks instead
Instead of dairy, consume coconut or almond milk
Include green drinks and smoothies in your diet
What you eat matters

Balancing your pH levels will take effort but it will pay out once you feel the effects of it. You’ll have more energy and feel more vibrant. The food you consume affects your health positively or negatively. “The food you eat can be either the safest and most powerful form of medicine or the slowest form of poison,” said Ann Wigmore, founder of the renowned Hippocrates Health Institute.



Dr.Otto H Warburg, a Nobel Prize Winner, discovered the real cause of cancer and he claims that all cancers happen due to an oxygen deficiency in the organism. If your body lacks oxygen your organism becomes acidic which enables cancer cells to develop. Dr. Warburg discovered that cancer cells are anaerobic, which means that they cannot survive in an alkaline body (high levels of oxygen).

There’s a rule with no exceptions, which is that “All normal cells have an absolute requirement for oxygen, but cancer cells can live without oxygen. Deprive a cell 35% of its oxygen for 48 hours and it may become cancerous.”

The pH levels in our body depend on what we eat and that’s what keeps the pH levels balanced. PH balance is the balance of acid and alkaline in all fluids and cells in our organism. In order to survive, your body has to balance the blood’s pH levels at a slightly alkaline level of 7.365. However, Americans mostly eat unhealthy, toxic and acid-forming foods such as processed sugars, refined grains, GMOs, and so on. That’s what leads to unhealthy acidic pH levels.

If your pH levels aren’t balanced the cellular activities and functions in your body will become interrupted. And if the pH levels tip to the acidic side you can develop a long range of diseases, starting from heartburn and osteoporosis to cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and cancer. If your body is acidic for a longer period of time the aging process will be rapidly accelerated.Your Body is Acidic. Here is what you NEED to Do (The Real Truth Behind Cancer that You Will Never Hear From Your Doctor)!

According to Robert O. Young and his book “The pH Miracle”, the root cause of many health issues is the acidic state of your body. All the harmful organism which make us sick, like parasites, bad bacteria, viruses, and candida overgrowth survive and multiply in acidic environments, but die instantly in alkaline environment.

That’s why the most important thing you have to do if you want to maintain your health is to alkalize your body and keep the pH levels balanced.

Saturday, 20 February 2016


7 perkara yg perlu anda elakkan sebaik selepas makan

1. Isap rokok.. kerana ia penyebab seolah2 anda hisap 10 btg rokok kesan buruknya.

2. Makan buah.... menyebabkan buah akan terpendam lama bersama makanan serta ganggu pencernaan. Sebaiknya makan 1 jam sblm dan slps.

3. Jgn minum tea... kerna ia asid dan akan ganggu Proten dlm makanan yg kita makan. Baiknya lewatkan 1 jam minum tea.

4. Jgn longgarkan tali pinggang anda.... kerana ia akan menyebabkan anda makan lebih byk dan tak bagus.

5. Jgn mandi.... ia akan sebabkan darah meningkat ke tangan, kaki dan badan. Dlm perut darah akan kurang sebabkan penghadaman slow.

6. Jgn terus berjalan2.... ia tingkatkan asid reflux dan tidak penghadaman makanan. Tp kalau slps 30 minit adalah bagus.

7. Jgn tidur... makanan tak akan dpt dihadam dgn baik. Akan berlaku gastrik dan infeksi dlm usus.

Wednesday, 17 February 2016


5 Lifestyle Changes that Could Prevent Nearly 80% of Heart Attacks

A recent research study from Sweden’s Karolinska Institute found that five main factors appeared to contribute to whether or not one may be at risk for heart attack:

1. A healthy diet
2. No smoking
3. Being physical active (walking/bicycling more than 40 min/day and exercising more than 1 hour per week)
4. Healthy waist circumference (<95 cm)
5. Don't drink alkohol or soda drinks.

This study, published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology in September 2014, was a longitudinal research piece—that is, it followed a group of people in one country (Sweden) for a period of 11 years. At the end of the study, those who had engaged in those five specific healthy lifestyle habits, reduced their risk for developing heart disease by 79%.1

Another research study from about 10 years previous had similar findings. This research piece took a look at people from more than 50 countries across the world. Published in 2004 in the British journal Lancet, this study showed similar results, but also included factors related to diabetes and psycho-social factors. The research concluded that these factors accounted for 90% of reduced risk for heart attack in men and 94% in women.2

It is clear from looking at both new and old research that lifestyle habits play a large role in the potential for developing heart problems, and the risk for a heart attack could potentially be reduced by 79-90% by making a few simple—albeit sometimes challenging—lifestyle changes.

Lifestyle Changes to Boost Heart Health

Both of these studies have shown that our lifestyle choices play a significant role in whether or not we develop heart disease or could be prone to heart attacks.

If you’re wondering whether you could do something to help protect your heart health, here are some options to consider exploring:

Healthy eating

Eating a heart-conscious diet may be one of the most important things you can do to ward off a heart attack.

Eating foods that are high in fiber, low in trans fat, and contain adequate levels of nutrients like vitamins and minerals can help your whole body be healthier—including your heart.

A diet high in fruits and vegetables, lean protein (for vegetarians see these meat free protein sources), healthy fat (such as from nuts, seeds and avocado) and low in processed food can help your heart keep beating for a long time to come.

Stop alcohol or soda consumption

It was found that those who limited alcohol consumption (those who drink 10-30 grams per day of alcohol) experience the most heart health benefits of all.

Too much alcohol and soda can raise your blood pressure and triglyceride levels, and cab also add extra calories, which may cause weight gain.

Ditch the cigarettes

Smoking is a big health no-no, and this extends to heart health.

Cigarette smoking can have a severe negative impact on heart health on top of the lung damage it may cause with COPD and lung cancer.

To protect your heart, quit smoking cigarettes. If you can’t do it “cold turkey,” consider using natural remedies to help you along the path to wellness, for example try these 5 natural ways to quit smoking (scientifically proven).

Both the aforementioned research studies showed that “abdominal adiposity”—AKA belly fat—was a significant contributor to heart attack risk.

People with visceral fat (fatty organs) often show fat in their abdominal area, manifesting as a “barrel belly.” This abdominal fat that is so dangerous to heart health may feel solid to the touch or soft to the touch, but in either case, could be just as deadly.

So, what’s healthy for the waistline? According to the recent study a waist circumference smaller than 95 cm is ideal.

The key thing here is fat in the internal organs, or viscera, though. Take steps to reduce visceral fat (and belly fat) to ensure a long-lived heart.

For a start avoid these 8 foods and start eating these belly fat burning foods.

You can find more information on how lose your belly without counting calories or starving yourself in my e-book Blast Your Belly Fat.

Get Physically active

Incorporating physical activities into your daily life is one of the 70 habits featured in my e-book 70 Powerful Habits For A Great Health.

And indeed both studies have found that regular exercise is crucial to maintaining good heart health.

Being a “couch potato” is bad for you, and can contribute to health problems—in particular heart problems. This is something that I’ve mentioned in my article on how sitting is slowly killing you and what you can do about it.

Your body was designed to be used, and the recent study talks about walking/bicycling more than 40 minutes a day and exercising more than one hour per week. So make sure to regularly exercise. It can make a huge difference for heart-related wellness (and the rest of your body, too!).

According to the National Heart, Blood and Lung institute, everyone should try to participate in moderate-intensity aerobic exercise at least 2 hours and 30 minutes per week, or vigorous aerobic exercise for 1 hour and 15 minutes per week. Aerobic exercise, such as brisk walking, is any exercise in which your heart beats faster and you use more oxygen than usual. The more active you are, the more you will benefit.

Get stress under control

Chronic (long-term) and acute (short-term, but intense) stress can both have an awful effect on your health, and I’ve already written about the negative effects that stress have on the body.

The stress factor is also a factor mentioned by The American Heart Association. The association mentions that a few studies have found a relationship between stress and increased risk for heart disease and stroke.

It was found that some of the ways that people deal with stress is by bad habits such as excessive drinking, smoking or overeating.

Extreme stress or emotionally upsetting event were also found to trigger heart attack.

Learn how to manage stress and relax your mind. You can try stress-reducing activities, such as meditation, yoga, exercising, engaging in a favorite hobby or talking to a close family member or a supportive friend. You can also use certain essential oils for stress and anxiety.

Manage diabetes and high blood pressure

The American Heart Association also mentions that at least 68% of people under the age of 65 years of age with diabetes die of some form of heart disease.3

Other risk factors such as high blood pressure and high cholesterol, smoking, obesity, and lack of physical activity can greatly increase a diabetic person’s risk of developing cardiovascular disease.

If you suffer from diabetes, you can control your blood sugar level by eating these foods, spices and herbs as well as consuming apple cider vinegar (ACV) and okra water.  You can also find information in my article about the best ways to reduce your high blood pressure naturally.

Remember – Your lifestyle choices are your best defense against heart disease and heart attack, and they are also under your responsibility.