Ways To Quickly Alkalize
If your body’s pH level is acidic, bacteria, yeast and illnesses develop because your body becomes an unhealthy environment. Acidic body neutralizes the acid and balances the pH levels by feeding on minerals from vital organs and bones which exhausts magnesium, potassium and sodium from the body and this will probably cause acidosis.
The acid in our body is created when we consume dairy, meat, sugar and grains. The body is always generating acidic waste from the metabolism and these foods create extra acids which you should neutralize by eating more alkaline food.
Doesn’t the body adjust pH levels in its own?
The normal pH levels of your body are alkaline, with the stomach as an exception. Every system in your body, except for the blood, has a wide pH range which can vary and maintain the blood’s pH level between 7.35 and 7.45. In case the blood becomes too acidic it will take from the enzymes the elements which create alkaline thus causing improper digestion. This activities of the body can trigger serious health problems.
Know your pH
Every person should take pH tests in order to know their current levels of acidity. The healthy pH level varies between 6.75 and 7.25, and the optimal level is at 7.36.
You can’t tell alkaline or acidic food by taste
People usually think lemons are acidic. On the contrary, they create alkaline in the body. When lemons get digested, the acids in it oxidize in carbon dioxide and water thus they don’t form acid in the system.
The most important alkaline minerals are calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium and sodium and the foods that contain these create alkaline in the body. There are also foods that are acidic and alkaline at the same time. If the acidic minerals are predominant the food is acidic and vice versa.
The body has limits
The body cannot balance the acidity forever. Various diseases occur this was, when the body tries hard to bring balance to its environment. What make the body acidic are acid forming foods like meat, sugar and dairy. It is the same for alkaline forming foods. Keep balance to maintain a healthy body.
How does your body respond to specific foods?
According to your constitutional type, your body reacts to certain foods in certain ways. If you are more oxidative it means that fruits and vegetables are acidic for you and proteins are alkaline forming. On the other hand, if the autonomic system dominates (ANS) it means that proteins are acidic for you and fruit and vegetables are alkaline forming.
How to improve alkalinity
Just follow these tips:
Regularly check your pH levels
Consume lots of water
Don’t consume acidic foods
Eat green salad for lunch
Use lettuce leaves and collard greens for wrapping
Stay away from processed foods
Remove soda, coffee and sugar from your diet and drink herbal coffee, herbal tea and green drinks instead
Instead of dairy, consume coconut or almond milk
Include green drinks and smoothies in your diet
What you eat matters
Balancing your pH levels will take effort but it will pay out once you feel the effects of it. You’ll have more energy and feel more vibrant. The food you consume affects your health positively or negatively. “The food you eat can be either the safest and most powerful form of medicine or the slowest form of poison,” said Ann Wigmore, founder of the renowned Hippocrates Health Institute.
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